


达赫拉绿洲: 达赫拉绿洲坐落在西部沙漠中,历史悠久,景色迷人。著名景点包括 Al-Qasr 泥砖村、伊斯兰时代的 Al-Gondy 清真寺和罗马时代的 Deir el-Hagar 神庙。

哈尔加绿洲: 作为埃及最大的绿洲,哈尔加绿洲以其考古宝藏而闻名,如希比斯神庙、巴加瓦特基督教墓地和哈尔加博物馆。这里还是椰枣种植中心,让人了解绿洲的传统生活。

. 法尤姆绿洲 法尤姆绿洲位于开罗附近,以肥沃的农田、古老的地标和自然保护区而闻名。主要景点包括科姆翁博的索贝克神庙和鳄鱼博物馆、哈瓦拉金字塔以及以湖泊和瀑布闻名的瓦迪拉扬国家公园(Wadi El-Rayan National Park)。锡瓦绿洲: 锡瓦绿洲位于西部沙漠,靠近利比亚边境,以其迷人的风景、历史遗迹和独特的柏柏尔文化而闻名。重点景点包括大沙海、埃及艳后池和阿蒙神庙。



西撒哈拉的 “黑色沙漠 ”位于法拉夫拉绿洲以南。黑色沙漠 "一词的由来是因为这里的山脉、丘陵和沙丘都覆盖着一层黑色粉末。这些粉末覆盖在一些山峰和高地的顶峰,使它们看起来像戴着帽子,以显示其装饰技巧。而另一些山峰和高地则完全被这种粉末覆盖,粉末像黑天鹅绒长袍一样层层叠叠地从两侧流下。



白色沙漠是埃及西部的一种奇特现象,位于法拉夫拉绿洲北部的巴哈利亚绿洲,面积超过 3000 平方公里。尽管这里距离开罗只有 500 公里,但它却是独一无二的,来到这片西部土地的游客经常会感到自己仿佛来到了另一个星球。

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You will be able to explore Siwa Oasis, Bahriya Oasis, and the White Desert, which are some of the top destinations in the world for exhilarating safari adventures. You will enjoy camping under the starry sky in the desert where you will be able to relax and escape from the noise.


Egypt is one of the most famous countries that possess many of the most beautiful and rare oases in the world, such as Dakhla, Kharga, Farafra, and Siwa Oasis. You can visit many archaeological sites such as the Temple of the Golden Mummies, the Temple of Alexander, the Mountain of the Dead, and other tourist attractions such as Cleopatra Spring and salt lakes.

Nearly seven Oases can be found in Egypt, most of which are in the country's western and eastern deserts, where the climate is extremely arid and where Bedouin tribes have long resided. 

The Egyptian oases and deserts are an ideal location for safari trips, where you will enjoy many exciting recreational activities and be able to view many picturesque landscapes.

Kharga is the biggest oasis and the main place where important things are decided in the New Valley Governorate. It's also the closest oasis to the Nile Valley, and you can get there from Luxor in just two hours.

Yes, generally, Egypt provides good healthcare services. There are hospitals and specialized clinics in various regions of the country. It's advisable to have health insurance and check the available facilities on-site beforehand.

The best time to visit Egypt's oases is during the cooler months of the year, from October to April, when temperatures are more moderate and comfortable for outdoor activities. Summers in the desert can be extremely hot, with temperatures reaching well above 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit).

The White Desert is located in the Western Desert of Egypt, about 500 kilometers southwest of Cairo. Its distinctive chalk cliffs, formed over thousands of years by wind and sand, give the desert its iconic white appearance.

The Egyptian Oases offer a variety of activities for visitors, including:

Wandering and exploring: You can wander through the oases and discover the beauty of nature and enjoy peace and tranquility.
Swimming in hot springs: Such as Bir Al Ghaba and the hot springs in the Bahariya Oasis, where you can relax and enjoy the warm water.
Sandboarding: Siwa Oasis offers the opportunity for sandboarding, which is an exciting and fun experience.
Safari trips: You can take safaris in the desert and explore the unique landscapes.
Camping under the stars: Oases offer ideal places for camping and stargazing under clear skies.
Visiting monuments: Some oases contain archaeological monuments that can be visited and learn about the history of the region.

This temple is in a very old city in Egypt called Abydos. It was made for a special god named Osiris, who takes care of people after they die. The temple is big with lots of open areas, tall pillars, and many statues and pictures on the walls.

 A unique experience of nature, history, and culture may be had at the oases. Explore the verdant palm groves, stop by historic temples and ruins, enjoy a bath in the hot springs, go on safaris into the desert, take in the starry night sky, and engage with the local people to discover more about their customs and way of life.


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