


国王谷是卢克索西岸横跨河流的一条干涸河谷。因此,它获得了 “国王谷 ”这个新名字。此外,这里还埋葬着非王室成员但地位显赫的人物。它是卢克索游人最多的景点之一,吸引着世界各地的游客通过萨法加岸上游来参观这些令人叹为观止的陵墓。该山谷包括六十多座陵墓和二十多座未完工的陵墓。




现在,大多数陵墓都可供游客和历史探寻者参观;但也有一些陵墓由于修缮和维护工作而面临关闭的危险。最著名的陵墓之一是图坦卡蒙的陵墓,其中有大量宝藏。现在它又回到了埃及博物馆,最近又回到了吉萨的大埃及博物馆。国王谷还包括哈特谢普苏特女王(约 1472-58 年在位)的陵墓,墓室长 215 米,深入岩石 100 米。

山谷的墙壁上装饰着许多雕刻场景,展现了逝去的国王与众神,尤其是冥神在一起的场景。墓室中还包括一些不寻常的殡葬文字,这些文字是在帕普里发现的,可以在他的旅途中为他提供帮助。通过埃及经典之旅(Egypt Classic Tours)探索埃及国王的宝藏和他们的皇家陵墓,如图坦卡蒙墓、塞提一世墓和拉美西斯六世墓,是一次难忘的经历。




With or without a guide, visitors can stroll through the Valley of the Kings at their own pace. If you do hire a guide, they will provide you with information on each tomb just before you visit it because guides are not authorized inside the actual tombs.


The Valley of the Kings is a renowned archaeological site located on the west bank of the Nile River near Luxor, Egypt. It served as a burial ground for many pharaohs and powerful nobles of the New Kingdom period (approximately 1550-1070 BCE).

Located in Luxor, Egypt, on the western bank of the Nile River, lies the Valley of the Kings, an ancient royal burial site. Pharaohs and wealthy nobility from the New Kingdom era found their ultimate resting place there (about 1550–1070 BCE). There are many tombs in the valley, including the most well-known modern discovery—that of Tutankhamun. The magnificent and well-preserved tombs in the Valley of the Kings, which are embellished with fine artwork and hieroglyphic inscriptions, are well known.

With the discovery of the last burial chamber in 2006, known as Tomb 63, as well as the discovery of two other entrances to the same chamber in 2008, the number of tombs discovered so far has reached 63 tombs of varying sizes, ranging from a small hole in the ground to a complex tomb with more than 120 burial chambers inside.


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