埃德福 | 荷鲁斯神庙

埃德福 | 荷鲁斯神庙


埃德福神庙位于尼罗河西侧的上埃及埃德福。在拉丁语中,这座城市被称为 Apollonopolis Magna,以纪念主神荷鲁斯,在希腊人的理解中,荷鲁斯与阿波罗有关。它是埃及维护最完好的神庙之一。神庙建于公元前 237 年至公元前 57 年托勒密王国执政时期。神庙墙壁上的碑文为了解希腊化时期埃及的语言、神话和宗教提供了重要线索。在神庙中发现的文字铭文提供了有关神庙建造的详细信息,还包括有关神庙作为创世起源的传说。神圣戏剧》中还有一些重要的片段和文字描述了荷鲁斯和塞特之间永恒的竞争。它们的翻译工作由埃德福项目完成。

埃德福神庙是托勒密王国建造的几座神庙之一,如登德拉神庙群、埃斯纳神庙、孔翁博神庙和菲莱神庙。其规模反映了当时的财富水平。现在的神庙始建于公元前 237 年 8 月 23 日,由一个带圆柱的大厅、两个横跨的大厅和一个周围有小教堂的船用圣殿组成。该建筑于托勒密三世-尤尔盖特斯(Ptolemy III Euergetes)统治时期开始修建,在托勒密十二世-奥勒特斯(Ptolemy XII Auletes)统治时期于公元前 57 年完工。现在的荷鲁斯神庙建在以前一座较小神庙的原址上。不过,旧神庙的方向是东西向,而不像新神庙那样是南北向。在现神庙附近的发现包括一个被毁坏的东部塔楼,显示出新王国国王拉美西斯一世、塞提一世和拉美西斯二世的建筑工程。


391 年,狄奥多西一世禁止非基督教崇拜,导致异教徒受到压迫,此后埃德福神庙不再用于宗教活动。与其他地方的情况类似,在埃及崛起的基督徒破坏了神庙中的大量雕刻浮雕。人们认为,至今仍能看到的伪神殿烧焦的天花板,就是蓄意纵火烧毁异教宗教象征物造成的。

随着时间的推移,神庙被埋在 12 米(39 英尺)深的沙漠流沙和尼罗河淤泥下。居住在附近的人们直接在旧神庙的顶部建造了房屋。1798 年,一支法国探险队发现了神庙,但只能看到神庙的部分塔架。1860 年,法国埃及学家奥古斯特-马里埃特开始从沙土中挖掘埃德福神庙。

埃德福神庙保存完好,是古埃及神庙的典范。由于其重要的考古意义和保存完好的状况,该景点已成为埃及的顶级旅游景点,也是许多尼罗河游轮经常停靠的地方。2005 年,为方便游客参观该神庙,增设了游客中心和铺设了路面的停车场。2006 年末,又安装了照明系统,以便夜间参观。


The Temple of Edfu is very important.

because it brilliantly captures the combination of ancient Egypt's Pharaonic culture with Ptolemaic culture. Inscriptions on its walls provided useful information about religion, language, and mythology during the Hellenistic period in Egypt and that was useful.

When to go to the Temple of Horus It would be most comfortable for visitors who want to explore without having to worry too much about heat fatigue to visit Edfu in late spring (April to May), when temperatures are gentler than other periods of the year. Additionally, because these months coincide with school breaks, many families decide to travel during these times so they can enjoy their getaway without being concerned about crowding brought on by several youngsters going on field trips.

Many different types of people are drawn to the Temple of Horus at Edfu, including those who are interested in ancient Egyptian history or architecture, those seeking out a distinctive cultural experience, and others who just want to see a stunning location with an intriguing history.


Aswan, a strategic and commercial hub in southern Egypt, boasts significant archaeological sites like the Philae temple complex, the Nubian Museum, the Aswan Botanical Garden, the Temple of Isis, the Third Dynasty Temple of Khnum, Monastery of St. and Simeon's Island

The Temple of Edfu, also known as the Temple of Horus, is an ancient Egyptian temple in Edfu, Egypt. It is one of the best-preserved in the country and offers visitors a glimpse into ancient Egyptian religious practices and architecture. The temple complex includes the main temple, pylons, courts, halls, and chapels. Visitors can admire the intricately carved facade and entrance, the vast Hypostyle Hall with its intricate carvings and hieroglyphics, and the sanctuary, which houses the shrine dedicated to the falcon-headed god Horus. The temple also offers guided tours and sound and light shows to enhance visitors' understanding. The surrounding area offers beautiful views of the Nile River.

The famous Temple of Horus is also known as "Edfu Temple" and is located in the city of Edfu, about 100 kilometers south of Aswan, Egypt. The Temple of Horus was built in ancient times by the pharaohs during the Thirteenth Dynasty, and was rebuilt and expanded later during different pharaonic eras.

The Temple of Horus is one of the most important pharaonic temples in Egypt, dedicated to the worship of the god Horus, who was considered the god of war, protection, and the sun in ancient Egyptian religion. The temple is characterized by its magnificent architectural design and beautiful artistic carvings depicting battles, religious rituals, and many Pharaonic myths.

The Temple of Horus in Edfu is one of Egypt's prominent tourist sites, attracting visitors from all over the world to explore this fascinating cultural and historical landmark.

Aswan is one of the most important coastal cities in Egypt and contains many tourist attractions such as Abu Simbel, the High Dam, Philae Temple, Obelisk, and Nuweiba Village.


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