菲莱神庙 | 伊希斯神庙

菲莱神庙 | 伊希斯神庙


菲莱神庙因 “菲莱 ”而得名,“菲莱 ”在希腊语中是 “挚爱 ”的意思。该岛位于埃及南端,是 4000 年前古埃及宗教的最后一个中心!伊希斯与她的丈夫奥西里斯和儿子荷鲁斯是古埃及神话中最重要的三位人物。


菲莱岛在托勒密王朝时供奉伊希斯女神,是伊希斯女神的崇拜中心。直到查士丁尼一世统治末期(公元 527-565 年),该神庙的祭祀活动一直很兴盛;之后,该神庙被改建为教堂。神庙受到部分洪水的侵袭,盐分开始破坏神庙颜料的装饰。1970 年,人们决定将神庙搬迁到阿吉利卡岛(Agilika)一个更高更安全的地方。它靠近尼罗河,是卢克索和阿斯旺之间尼罗河游轮旅行中最受欢迎的目的地之一。





通过开罗顶级之旅(Cairo Top Tours),您可以查看埃及旅游线路和埃及所有城市的著名地标,在那里您可以度过一个难忘的假期。埃及经典之旅(Egypt Classic Tours)中的阿斯旺景点最具吸引力,在这里您可以了解到更多关于埃及文明的信息,这些文明包含了不同的时代和文明。阿斯旺为游客提供了一种独特的体验,在这里可以观赏到埃及统治者建造的巨大神庙,以及尼罗河畔美丽岛屿上的迷人自然风光和独特的树木花草。


菲莱神庙 美丽的伊希斯神庙


菲莱神庙的主要部分建于公元前 4 世纪的托勒密时代,之后罗马皇帝在此基础上进行了修建。该神庙是埃及万神殿中最著名的神之一伊希斯女神的崇拜中心,吸引了来自四面八方的人们前来朝拜。

然而,20 世纪中叶阿斯旺高坝建成后,神庙周围地区被淹没,神庙受到严重威胁。为了保护这座不仅被认为具有杰出建筑价值,而且构成巨大威胁的建筑,联合国教科文组织在 20 世纪 60 年代组织了一场运动。整个寺庙建筑群被小心翼翼地拆开、移走,并重新安放在阿吉尔基亚岛上,供后人瞻仰。








Egypt is a country that lends itself to being visited in any season, depending on the area you plan to explore. However, Spring and Autumn are an ideal time to go to Egypt. In contrast, the winter months are the best time to discover the desert. Finally, summer is suitable for a vacation in the milder Mediterranean coastal strip.

There are many methods to go to The Temple Isis at Philae. The majority of Nile cruises between Luxor and Aswan stop at Agilika Island. As an alternative, a lot of tour operators provide day trips from Aswan to the Philae temple complex and other surrounding sights including the Aswan High Dam and the Unfinished Obelisk. A visit can also be planned independently.

The sound and light performance transports viewers inside the Philae Temple and features presentations in a number of languages. The art and architecture are given a dramatic boost by colored lights, and the program narrates the history of the location. Although showtimes sometimes change, purchasing tickets in advance assures that you won't be let down.

You must try these ten delicious Egyptian dishes:
Ful Wa Ta'ameya (Egyptian Falafel), Ful Medames, Koshari, Hamam Mahshi (Stuffed Squab), Fiteer Baladi, Shawarma, Kofta and Kebab, and Basbousa are some examples of traditional Egyptian cuisine.

Yes, Aswan is a popular starting point for Nile cruises that travel north to Luxor or south to Lake Nasser. These cruises offer a scenic and relaxing way to explore the ancient temples and landmarks along the Nile.

Philae Temple is an ancient temple located on Elephant Island in the Nile River near Aswan in ancient Egypt. The construction of the temple dates back to ancient times, during the reign of King Hassan II of the 19th Dynasty of Egypt, and its construction began in 237 BC and continued for many years after his death.

Philae Temple was built to worship the goddess Hathor, who was considered the goddess of love, beauty and joy in ancient Egyptian religion. It was also a place of honor for King Hassan II and his wife Nefertari, and was also used for religious rituals and sacrifices.

One of Aswan's most popular tourist attractions, Philae Temple is an ancient temple complex dedicated to the goddess Isis, and is a testament to the greatness of Egyptian architecture.

Built during the Ptolemaic Dynasty, the temple displays magnificent sculptures and hieroglyphics depicting tales of Egyptian mythology. Although the temple was flooded, it was dismantled by UNESCO and reinstalled on Agilika Island - one of the most famous islands in Aswan.

Also, Philae Temple is one of the destinations that hosts sound and light shows inside the temple's chambers and outdoor courtyards overlooking the Nile River.

One of the most adventurous things to do in Aswan is to take a riverboat ride and pass under the Philae Temple, and you can also take a short boat trip from Aswan city center to Agilkia Island. 


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