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参加从卢克索出发前往阿斯旺的全天游,利用这次体验,穿越时空,了解法老历史的重要部分。我们的行程将带您游览埃德福神庙(Temple of Edfu)或荷鲁斯神庙(Temple of Horus),这是古埃及仅次于卡纳克神庙的第二大神庙,位于尼罗河西岸的上埃及埃德福城、 在希腊化时期,这座神庙被称为Ἀπόλλωνος πόλις(希腊俚语),它代表了托勒密王朝的一次尝试,即按照其祖先的风格建造一座形式和宏伟的神庙。

此外,通过这次参观,您将有机会了解到这座神庙供奉的是主神荷鲁斯,根据希腊语的解释,荷鲁斯被认定为阿波罗。在埃及,它是保存最完好的圣殿之一。该神庙建于公元前 237 年至 57 年托勒密王国时期。神庙的墙壁上刻有关于希腊化埃及的语言、宗教和神话的重要信息。尤其是刻在神庙上的建筑文字,“既提供了神庙建造的细节,也保存了关于神庙和其他神庙(如卡尔克岛)的神话解释的信息”。






  • 我们提供卢克索任何一家酒店的往返接送服务。
  • 由专业司机驾驶专用空调车前往埃德福和孔翁博。
  • 从卢克索出发游览埃德福和孔翁博神庙的门票和入场费。
  • 优秀的英语导游全程陪同。
  • 从卢克索出发的埃及一日游期间,车上免费提供矿泉水。
  • 从卢克索出发的埃德福和孔翁博神庙之旅的协议价格中包含税费和服务费。
  • 在卢克索当地优质餐厅享用午餐。


  • 旅游费用不包括小费。
  • 卢克索埃德福神庙和科姆翁博神庙之旅行程中未提及的其他任何费用。
  • 价格同样适用于我们提供的埃及圣诞新年游或埃及复活节游。



我们将带您参观埃德福神庙,又称荷鲁斯神庙,是古埃及仅次于卡纳克神庙的第二大神庙。它位于尼罗河西岸的上埃及埃德福城。该神庙在希腊化时代被称为Ἀπόλλωvoς πόλις,是托勒密王朝试图建造宏伟神庙的一个范例。建造荷鲁斯神庙大约花费了 180 年时间。

此外,这次游览还将让您了解到,这座神庙供奉的是主神荷鲁斯(Horus),在希腊语中是阿波罗。它是埃及保存最完好的圣殿之一。神庙建于托勒密王国时期,即公元前 237 年至公元前 57 年之间。神庙的墙壁上镌刻着有关希腊化埃及语言、宗教和神话的重要细节。镌刻在神庙上的建筑文字特别 “提供了神庙建造的细节,并保存了关于神庙和其他神庙(如哈尔克岛)的神话解释的信息”。

接下来,我们来到了宏伟的科姆奥博神庙(Kom Ombo Tempel)。这座神庙始建于托勒密六世-菲洛米特时期,但直到罗马时代的提比略皇帝时期才得到全面装饰。这座神庙与其他托勒密时期的埃及神庙有许多相同之处,包括建筑、装饰和设计。然而,由于当地人崇拜两个鹰头人身的当地神灵--荷鲁斯(Horus)和索贝克(Sobek),因此这座神庙具有独特性。尽管这两个神的起源和性质不同,但它们却共存了几个世纪,没有融合或合并。




Number of Persons Prices
1 Person $205 Per Person
2 - 3 Persons $130 Per Person
4 - 6 Persons $110 Per Person
7 - 10 Persons $90 Per Person

Start from : $90

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从我们的社交媒体账户、Trip Advisor 和 YouTube 视频中可以看到,埃及一日游(Egypt Tours)获得了许多客户的积极反馈,他们非常喜欢我们的低价埃及游,因为我们的专家会陪同他们游览埃及的每一个地方,向他们展示埃及和圣地游期间参观的每个景点的历史。您可以从我们的社交媒体账户、Trip Advisor 和 YouTube 视频中看到,埃及一日游(Egypt Day Tour)获得了很多客户的积极反馈,他们都非常喜欢我们的低价埃及游,因为我们的专家会陪同他们游览埃及和圣地的每一个地方,向他们展示每个景点的历史。

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Travelers gain memorable trips by collaborating with Cairo Top Tours, whose status, competitive prices, and dedication to service and payment comfort create customized, fantastic River Nile voyages.

Since Egypt is home to nearly one-third of the world's most stunning monuments, other nations cannot compete with it in terms of tourism. In addition to cultural tourism, there are numerous other types of tourism, including religious, sporting, ecotourism, desert, marine, festivals, diving facilities, and exhibitions.

Every traveler's desire is to visit Egypt, recognized for its architectural and cultural treasures. It is incredibly beautiful and a place that everyone should like thanks to the mysterious Pyramids, the enormous sand dunes of the deserts, the oasis, the Nile, its glittering capital Cairo, and the innumerable temples and tombs that line the river bank.

In the case of cancellation of the trip by the customer, based on the start dates of the trip, the following costs will be charged:

15% of the total cost of the trip, with cancellation from the booking date up to 61 days before the start date of the trip

25% of the total cost of the trip, with cancellation from 60 to 31 days before the start date of the trip

35% of the total cost of the trip, with cancellation 30 to 15 days before the start date of the trip

The Edfu and Kom Ombo Temples in Egypt are renowned for their unique and well-preserved examples of ancient Egyptian temple architecture. The Edfu Temple, dedicated to the falcon-headed god Horus, features a towering entrance pylon, intricately carved hypostyle hall, and a sanctuary housing a cult statue of Horus. The Kom Ombo Temple, a double temple dedicated to Sobek and Horus the Elder, is divided into two symmetrical sections with their own entrances, halls, and sanctuaries. The temple also houses a museum showcasing artifacts.

The official currency of Egypt is the Egyptian Pound (EGP). In Luxor, you will find ATMs where you can withdraw Egyptian Pounds, and many businesses also accept major credit cards or American Dollars (USD). It is advisable to carry some cash for smaller purchases or when visiting local markets.

The sanctuary was a very special part of the temple. It had important things inside like special boats that were used in parades, and a special place for a wooden statue of a falcon, which was the god's sacred image.

Camera (check for any photography restrictions).
Guidebook or notes about the sites you will visit if you want.
Identification and any necessary travel documents.

Yes, many tour operators offer guides who speak various languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and others. Check with the tour provider for language availability.


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