在卢克索的卡纳克神庙(Temple of Karnak),您将欣赏到令人叹为观止的声光奇观,并沉浸在古埃及的历史和辉煌中,度过一个难忘的夜晚。从建造卡纳克神庙的阿蒙神的视角出发,这场表演生动地再现了历史事件和伟大法老的生活。同步激光、墙面投影和法老音乐和谐地结合在一起,将卡纳克神庙变为展现其辉煌历史的动态影像。当您漫步在神庙建筑群中时,您似乎在想象法老和众神通过壮观的灯光和音响效果讲述他们的故事。这种独特的体验将把您带入埃及丰富的过去,让古迹栩栩如生。千万不要错过
卡纳克神庙的声光表演主要有两场,第一场晚上 8 点开始,第二场晚上 9 点开始。
值得注意的是,游客在参观卡纳克声光秀时,要先经过神庙的前院,然后穿过大殿厅到达圣湖,世界游客通过圣湖欣赏到大柱厅中令人惊叹的方尖碑,这些方尖碑主要是成对建造在古埃及神庙和这座宏伟神庙的塔楼前面。最后一部分表演是在游客坐在圣湖中时进行的,因为卡纳克神庙内的声光表演需要大约 1 小时 15 分钟才能完成,卡纳克神庙内的声光表演讲述了自历史上不同法老王朝时代开始以来该建筑群和卢克索城作为古都的故事。
卡纳克神庙是游客早上在卢克索参观的最著名景点之一,它是人类历史上最大的礼拜堂,因为它建在卢克索的尼罗河畔,之所以被命名为 “卡纳克神庙”,是因为里面有 11 座神庙、 它之所以被命名为 “卡纳克神庙”,是因为它包含了 11 座神庙,而不是传言中的一座,它的名字来源于古埃及文明中的神庙(阿蒙-拉-西格姆神庙),它是作为底比斯三位一体神(由 “阿蒙神”、“莫特神 ”和 “孔苏神 ”组成)的礼拜圣地而建造的。 ” 继卡纳克之后,游客们将参观尼罗河畔的卢克索神庙,该神庙建于阿蒙霍特普三世国王统治时期,用于祭祀阿蒙神拉,此外还确认了其与阿蒙神的血缘关系,建于 “公元前 1390-2353 年”。公元前 2353 年。公元”
Number of Persons | Prices |
1 Person | $75 Per Person |
2 - 3 Persons | $60 Per Person |
4 - 6 Persons | $55 Per Person |
7 - 10 Persons | $50 Per Person |
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从我们的社交媒体账户、Trip Advisor 和 YouTube 视频中可以看到,埃及一日游(Egypt Tours)获得了许多客户的积极反馈,他们非常喜欢我们的低价埃及游,因为我们的专家会陪同他们游览埃及的每一个地方,向他们展示埃及和圣地游期间参观的每个景点的历史。您可以从我们的社交媒体账户、Trip Advisor 和 YouTube 视频中看到,埃及一日游(Egypt Day Tour)获得了很多客户的积极反馈,他们都非常喜欢我们的低价埃及游,因为我们的专家会陪同他们游览埃及和圣地的每一个地方,向他们展示每个景点的历史。
Cairo Top Tours' standing and drive to impress feature personalizable schedules, economical rates, champion assistance, and payment comfort for impactful River Nile travels.
Egypt is well-known for its ancient culture and the beautiful pharaohs' monuments, including the Sakkara and Dahshur as well as the Great Pyramids of Giza, the Great Sphinx, the Egyptian Museum, Karnak Temple.
For thousands of years, the ancient Egyptian civilization thrived, becoming well-known for its pyramids, pharaohs, mummies, and tombs.
In the case of cancellation of the trip by the customer, based on the start dates of the trip, the following costs will be charged:
15% of the total cost of the trip, with cancellation from the booking date up to 61 days before the start date of the trip
25% of the total cost of the trip, with cancellation from 60 to 31 days before the start date of the trip
35% of the total cost of the trip, with cancellation 30 to 15 days before the start date of the trip
The Temple of Karnak is one of the largest and most important temple complexes in ancient Egypt. It was dedicated to the worship of Amun-Ra, the chief deity of the Egyptian pantheon. Over the centuries, successive pharaohs contributed to its construction, resulting in a vast complex with impressive structures, including pylons, obelisks, statues, and the renowned Hypostyle Hall. The temple served as a religious center and was believed to be the dwelling place of the gods.
Luxor is considered a safe place for tourists. However, it is always advisable to stay informed about the current situation and follow any travel advisories issued by your government. It is also recommended to take common-sense precautions such as avoiding isolated areas at night and keeping your valuables secure.
Their uses mark the difference; the East Bank is characterized by its active temples and urban life, showcasing ancient Egypt's religious practices, while the West Bank is a testament to their burial customs, with its extensive necropolises and mortuary temples.
These things are old, from a really long time ago. They are statues and figurines of gods and goddesses. There are statues of Osiris, who is a god, and statues of baboons and the goddess Mut. There is also a statue of Bastet, who is a goddess who looks like a cat. There are also some other things, like plaques and pieces of statues.
Many of our tour operators can offer you a customizable option. You can tailor your itinerary to focus on specific interests or add additional sites.
In the case of cancellation of the trip by the customer, based on the start dates of the trip, the following costs will be charged:
15% of the total cost of the trip, with cancellation from the booking date up to 61 days before the start date of the trip
25% of the total cost of the trip, with cancellation from 60 to 31 days before the start date of the trip
35% of the total cost of the trip, with cancellation 30 to 15 days before the start date of the trip
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