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首先,您将参观令人难忘的孔翁博神庙。Kom Ombo “这个名字由两部分组成:第一部分是 ”Kom“,意思是山丘;第二部分是 ”Ombo“,是 ”Anbu “或 ”Nabu "的音译,意思是黄金,因为这个地区控制着通往金矿的道路。

科姆翁博神庙的特点是柱头精美,墙壁上装饰着壮丽的风景。它列出了节日和其他宗教活动的日历、日期和相应的仪式。这座神庙的修建工作一直持续到 “卡拉卡拉、盖塔和马克里努斯 ”三位皇帝统治时期,即公元 218 年。

之后,我们将开始前往美丽的埃德福神庙的探险之旅。埃德福神庙距离阿斯旺约 105 公里,但它却拥有埃及保存最完好的神庙,是所有对古迹感兴趣和热衷的人都热衷参观的地标之一。神庙建于六位托勒密统治时期,专门用来祭祀鹰头人身的荷鲁斯神,主建筑有一个巨大的柱廊。

埃德福神庙或荷鲁斯神庙是古埃及仅次于卡尔纳克神庙的第二大神庙,位于尼罗河西岸的上埃及埃德福城、 它在希腊化时期被称为(Ἀπόλλλωνος πόλις),拉丁语称为(Apollonopolis Magna),是托勒密王朝最后一次尝试按照其祖先的风格建造形式和宏伟的神庙。荷鲁斯神庙的建造耗时约 180 年。

在开罗顶级旅游公司(Cairo Top Tours)的带领下,尽情享受游览的每一刻。


  • 在我们所有的游览活动中,提供从阿斯旺酒店接送的交通服务 
  • 科姆奥博和埃德福游览全程的英语导游。
  • 上述景点的门票。
  • 埃及一日游期间免费提供瓶装矿泉水。
  • 阿斯旺购物之旅(根据要求)。
  • 从阿斯旺出发的孔翁博和埃德福之旅已包含任何税费和服务费。


  • 从阿斯旺出发的埃及一日游行程中未提及的额外费用。
  • 从阿斯旺出发的孔翁博和埃德福游览不含小费。
  • 价格适用于埃及圣诞节和新年游或埃及复活节游。



早上 7:00 在阿斯旺,您的司机和导游会从酒店或游轮上接您。在听取完情况介绍后,您将乘坐舒适的空调车前往约一小时车程的科姆奥博。

上午 8:00 游览孔翁博神庙

上午 9:30 乘车前往埃德福

上午 11:00 时,参观埃德福宏伟的荷鲁斯神庙。

下午 2:00 返回阿斯旺

下午 4:00 前往酒店或尼罗河游轮


Number of Persons Prices
1 Person $165 Per Person
2 - 3 Persons $115 Per Person
4 - 6 Persons $85 Per Person
7 - 10 Persons $70 Per Person

Start from : $70

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从我们的社交媒体账户、Trip Advisor 和 YouTube 视频中可以看到,埃及一日游(Egypt Tours)获得了许多客户的积极反馈,他们非常喜欢我们的低价埃及游,因为我们的专家会陪同他们游览埃及的每一个地方,向他们展示埃及和圣地游期间参观的每个景点的历史。您可以从我们的社交媒体账户、Trip Advisor 和 YouTube 视频中看到,埃及一日游(Egypt Day Tour)获得了很多客户的积极反馈,他们都非常喜欢我们的低价埃及游,因为我们的专家会陪同他们游览埃及和圣地的每一个地方,向他们展示每个景点的历史。

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Visit Luxor and Aswan is the best way to explore Egypt. You can visit The Temple of Karnak and Edfu to have an extraordinary experience and admire the ancient gods of Egypt such as The God Sobek.

Kom Ombo Temple is a unique double temple in Egypt dedicated to two deities, Sobek, the crocodile god, and Horus, the falcon-headed god. Its story lies in its dual dedication, and it was a place of worship and healing. Visitors can explore its fascinating history, exquisite reliefs, and the significance of its dual deity worship.

Visit the temples of Kom Ombo and Edfu in one day from Aswan. The Temple of Kom Ombo is located north of Aswan, while the Temple of Edfu is located to the north, near Luxor. Both Kom Ombo and Edfu are important ancient Egyptian temples, and are often visited on multi-day tours or Nile River cruises that cover the temples along the Nile Road between Aswan and Luxor. While it may be difficult to include both Kom Ombo and Edfu temples in a day tour from Aswan due to the travel time involved, some specialized or extended day tours or private tours may offer this option.


In Aswan, there are many places where you can enjoy a shopping experience and buy unique souvenirs. Here are some popular places for shopping in Aswan:

    Nuba market.

    Handicrafts market on Corniche Street.

    Coca market.

    Nile bracelet store.

    Nubia Museum.

    Gold and silver market.

Aswan is one of the Egyptian cities rich in Pharaonic antiquities, and contains many wonderful historical sites. Here are some important Pharaonic monuments that can be visited in the region:

    Philae Temple (Philae):
        The Philae Temple is considered one of the most important Pharaonic temples in Aswan, and its construction dates back to different eras. The temple includes colossal statues and halls decorated with carvings.

    Karnak Temple:
        The Karnak Temple is one of the largest Pharaonic temples in the world, and is dedicated to the god Amun-Ra. The temple features large columns and vast courtyards.

    Nubian cemeteries:
        There is a group of historical Nubian cemeteries in the Aswan region, the most important of which include the tombs of Abu Simbel and the tombs of Prophet Harkov.

    Aswan Dam:
        The High Dam was built to regulate the flow of Nile water. This dam is a modern monument, but it has become an essential part of the Pharaonic landscape in the region.

No, major attractions in our day tours do not have entrance fees. Only extra fees apply to optional activities.


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