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这座供奉伊希斯女神的神庙被尼罗河水淹没后,被分割开来,在距离菲莱岛原址约 500 米的艾吉利卡岛上重新组装。通过这次游览,游客可以在夜晚欣赏到用不同语言呈现的声光表演。




  • 开罗顶级旅游公司(Cairo Top Tours)提供从阿斯旺任何酒店或尼罗河游船往返的接送服务。
  • 在埃及一日游期间,他们的专用交通工具是禁烟空调车。
  • 菲莱神庙光影秀的全部门票和入场券。
  • 阿斯旺一日游期间车上免费提供一瓶水。
  • 任何税费和服务费均已包含在菲莱神庙精彩表演的价格中。


  • 埃及之旅行程中未列明的任何费用。
  • 观菲莱神庙声光表演时不包括小费。
  • 埃及圣诞新年游或埃及复活节游的价格同样适用。



在被尼罗河淹没后,这座纪念伊希斯女神的神庙被分割开来,重建在距离菲莱岛上原址约 500 米的埃吉利卡岛上。游客可以通过这段旅程,欣赏以各种语言呈现的夜间声光表演。



Number of Persons Prices
1 Person $85 Per Person
2 - 3 Persons $70 Per Person
4 - 6 Persons $50 Per Person
7 - 10 Persons $45.00 Per Person

Start from : $45

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开罗顶级旅游公司(Cairo Top Tours)的尼罗河之旅(Felucca Nile tour)将为您带来不可思议的体验,您可以探索尼罗河的美景,欣赏天空与尼罗河畔的美妙景致。




从我们的社交媒体账户、Trip Advisor 和 YouTube 视频中可以看到,埃及一日游(Egypt Tours)获得了许多客户的积极反馈,他们非常喜欢我们的低价埃及游,因为我们的专家会陪同他们游览埃及的每一个地方,向他们展示埃及和圣地游期间参观的每个景点的历史。您可以从我们的社交媒体账户、Trip Advisor 和 YouTube 视频中看到,埃及一日游(Egypt Day Tour)获得了很多客户的积极反馈,他们都非常喜欢我们的低价埃及游,因为我们的专家会陪同他们游览埃及和圣地的每一个地方,向他们展示每个景点的历史。

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This complex was one of the last remaining places where the ancient Egyptian religion was practiced after the spreading of Christianity in Egypt, officially closed only in 550 AD. Early Christians then reused the main temple on the island as a church and removed a large number of scenes of the gods of ancient Egypt.

Philae Temple, dedicated to the goddess Isis, has a rich history. It was originally located on Philae Island in the Nile River but was relocated due to the construction of the Aswan High Dam. The temple is known for its stunning architecture, hieroglyphics, and its significance as a center for the worship of Isis. It offers valuable insights into ancient Egyptian religious practices and beliefs.

The best time to visit Aswan on a day tour depends on personal preferences and weather considerations. However, in general, the most comfortable time to explore Aswan and enjoy its attractions is during the cooler months, which run from late October to early April.

Between October and April, the weather in Aswan is relatively mild, with daytime temperatures ranging from pleasantly warm to comfortably hot. This time of year allows for more enjoyable sightseeing without the extreme heat that characterizes Aswan during the summer months.

Keep in mind that Aswan experiences high temperatures during the summer months, especially from May to September, when temperatures often exceed 40°C (104°F) and even reach higher temperatures. This extreme heat can make outdoor activities and getting around less comfortable, especially during the height of summer.


Yes, in Aswan many cultural and artistic activities are held that reflect the local heritage and Nubian culture. Some of these activities are organized regularly and provide an opportunity for visitors to enjoy unique cultural experiences, such as:

    Nubian folk evenings.

    Nubian culture festivals.

    Arts and crafts workshops.

    Visual arts performances.

    Tourism art festivals.

Yes, there are great opportunities to enjoy nature and landscapes in the areas surrounding Aswan. Here are some activities you can do to enjoy the natural beauty:

    Nile cruises:
        Take a boat trip on the Nile River to enjoy stunning natural views along the river.

    Nuba Island (Kitchener):
        Visit the beautiful island of Nubia to enjoy the enchanting nature and Nubian culture.

    Nile Botanical Garden:
        Visit the Aswan Botanical Garden to see a variety of indigo and native plants.

    Visiting Artisans Island (Sohail Island):
        Enjoy a tour to Sohel Island to explore traditional Nubian life and watch artisans at their work.

    Desert and mountain trips:
        Some companies organize trips to the surrounding desert and mountains to enjoy the tranquil nature and magnificent views.

Dress comfortably and conservatively, keeping in mind the hot climate. Light, breathable fabrics are recommended. Don’t forget hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen for protection against the sun.


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