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最后,我们将参观阿斯旺植物岛或 “植物园”,这是阿斯旺最重要的旅游景点之一,也是游客和参观者的目的地,同时还是世界上最稀有、最古老的植物园和岛屿之一,这座天然植物博物馆的历史可以追溯到 1898 年英国占领埃及时期,当时英国战役部队指挥官基奇纳勋爵负责管理植物园。

在开罗顶级旅游公司(Cairo Top Tours),您总能在法老的土地上找到最理想、最特别的游览路线。


  • Cairo Top Tours 提供从阿斯旺任何一家酒店往返的所有接送服务。
  • 由私人空调车接送。
  • 我们的埃及一日游全程都包括认证导游。
  • 在阿斯旺游览和活动期间提供瓶装矿泉水。
  • 包括 Felucca 帆船的门票和植物园的门票。
  • 乘坐尼罗河上的阿斯旺费卢卡帆船包含所有税费和服务费。


  • 行程中未提及的阿斯旺观光项目。
  • 在阿斯旺乘坐尼罗河游船的价格不包含小费。
  • 价格也适用于埃及圣诞节和新年游或埃及复活节游。




最后,我们将前往阿斯旺植物岛(又称 “植物园”),这是阿斯旺最受欢迎的旅游景点之一,也是世界上最稀有、最古老的植物园和岛屿之一。它是一座天然植物博物馆,其历史可以追溯到 1898 年,当时英国战役部队指挥官基奇纳勋爵负责管理这座植物园。


在法老的国度里,开罗顶级旅游公司(Cairo Top Tours)将始终为您提供最精彩、最卓越的旅行。


Number of Persons Prices
1 Person $65 Per Person
2 - 3 Persons $55 Per Person
4 - 6 Persons $40 Per Person
7 - 10 Persons $30 Per Person

Start from : $30

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从我们的社交媒体账户、Trip Advisor 和 YouTube 视频中可以看到,埃及一日游(Egypt Tours)获得了许多客户的积极反馈,他们非常喜欢我们的低价埃及游,因为我们的专家会陪同他们游览埃及的每一个地方,向他们展示埃及和圣地游期间参观的每个景点的历史。您可以从我们的社交媒体账户、Trip Advisor 和 YouTube 视频中看到,埃及一日游(Egypt Day Tour)获得了很多客户的积极反馈,他们都非常喜欢我们的低价埃及游,因为我们的专家会陪同他们游览埃及和圣地的每一个地方,向他们展示每个景点的历史。

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There are so many activities to do in Aswan including taking a felucca to the Nile and enjoying the views and the calm river. You can also go to Abu Simbel, one of the most famous temples in Egypt and the world.

A Felucca Ride on the Nile offers a peaceful and scenic journey along the iconic river. You can expect to relax on a traditional Egyptian sailboat while enjoying beautiful views, gentle breezes, and a unique perspective of Egypt's landscapes and landmarks.

Yes, a visit to a Nubian village is included as part of the Aswan day tours. Located along the banks of the Nile River, Nubian villages offer a unique cultural experience, allowing visitors to learn about Nubian traditions, lifestyles, and handicrafts.

In Aswan, there are many traditional and unique travel experiences that visitors can try to discover the culture of the place and interact with local traditions. Here are some unique traditional travel experiences in Aswan:

    A peasant trip on the Nile River.

    Fishing experience.

    Experience cooking local food.

    Visit markets and craft workshops.

    Enjoying popular Nuba evenings.

    Camel riding in the desert.

Aswan has a rich history and Pharaonic culture that makes it an attractive destination for tourists looking for cultural experiences. Here are some of the cultural tourism experiences that visitors can enjoy in Aswan:

    Visit its Pharaonic temples:
        Philae Temple: It is considered one of the most important Pharaonic temples in Aswan, and its construction dates back to ancient times.
        Karnak Temple: It is one of the oldest temples in Egypt and is distinguished by huge columns and magnificent statues.

    Walking around the popular market (bazaar):
        Enjoy visiting the Aswan Popular Market to explore daily life and buy handicrafts and souvenirs.

Yes, you can visit Abu Simbel from Aswan in one day. Tours usually start early in the morning to manage the 3-hour drive each way and spend a few hours exploring the temples.

Elephant Island is a cold and rough island in Antarctica. A long time ago, a ship called the HMS Endurance got stuck in the icy sea there and got destroyed. The people on the ship had to find a safe place to stay, so they went to Elephant Island.


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