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  • Ancient Egyptian Civilization

    Ancient Egyptian Civilization

    Egypt is regarded as the land of civilizations from the beginning of time because civilizations were founded there on the banks of the Nile River, which is revered by both ancient and modern Egyptians as a symbol of stability and fertility. The ancient Egyptian civilizations predate Christ by more than 5500 years. The ancient Egyptian civilization started when King Narmer, also known as Minis, united these two kingdoms under his authority.

  • Statue of King Amenemhat I

    King Amenemhat I | 12th Dynasty Kings

    He is the first monarch of Egypt's Twelfth Dynasty, which is regarded as the Middle Kingdom's prime period. From 1991 BC until 1962 BC, he was king.

  • King Mentuhotep II

    King Mentuhotep II | Last King of the 11th Dynasty

    The XV Dynasty was founded by the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Mentuhot II, whose regal name means "the god Montu is satisfied." He governed Egypt from 2061 to 2010 BC. He became the first Egyptian monarch in the Middle Kingdom and is credited with bringing the nation back together following the chaos of the First Decadence.

  • King Merenre II

    King Merenre II

    After just a single year in power, Pepi II, his half-brother, replaced Merenra II. The canon of Turin and Manetone agree in attributing to the new king a reign of more than ninety years, dying more than a century after a rather serene existence after all lively, casual, and generous, so it is necessary that the new king was still a child when he ascended to the throne, according to a literary source.

  • King Merenre I

    King Merenre I

    Merenra I, the fourth king of the Sixth Dynasty, succeeded Pepi I. He governed for a brief time, maybe serving under his father for a few years before ceding power for nearly nine years, during which time he passed away in the early years of his second decade of life.

  • King Senusret II _ History

    King Senusret II | 12th Dynasty Middle Kingdom

    Following his father, King Amenemhat II, as a co-ruler during his latter years, King Senusret II was the fourth monarch of Egypt's XII Dynasty. The thing that sets him apart the most is his intense passion for the Fayoum Oasis, which led him to start constructing a massive irrigation system that runs from Bahr Youssef to Lake Morris.

Tourism in Aswan | Aswan Tourism

Explore the beauty of Aswan Tourism

  • 05 16, 2023

Aswan is known for its sunny weather and ancient archaeological sites; Aswan has become a very attractive destination for travelers looking for a unique experience from around the world. Cairo Tours is offering you in this article a comprehensive travel guide that covers all the details you need to know to plan your trip to Aswan. If you are searching for a cultural trip, Aswan will allow you to visit great temples from the ancient Egyptian Civilization, in addition to if you are searching for inner peace, Aswan will allow you to experience both through Egypt Classic Tours to discover these hidden gems. 

Discover the best attractions and hidden gems in Aswan: 


Philae Temple

It is located on an island in the middle of the Nile River, Philae Temple is one of the most famous and beautiful temples in Egypt. Philae temple was dedicated to the goddess Isis, and it dates back to the Ptolemaic era. Some of the most impressive features of the temple are Trajan’s Kiosk, beautifully preserved hieroglyphs, and the Temple of Hathor. A visit to Philae Temple offers a fascinating glimpse during Aswan Day Tours into Egypt's History. 


Nubian Museum

It highlights the traditional musical instruments, Nubian clothes, art, and ancient pottery, and exhibits Nubian migrations in the 20th century that changed the face of the region.


Unfinished Obelisk

It is one of the monuments that dates back to ancient Egyptian history and the era of the pharaohs, and it is one of the stunning constructions for the pharaonic engineers. Through your tours within Egypt Easter Tours, you will discover that the obelisk is constructed by order from Queen Hatshepsut and it is one of the tallest obelisks in the world. The reason for not finishing is the crack in it.  



Kom-Ombo Temple 

Kom-Ombo temples are one of the most famous temples in Aswan and Egypt that you can visit through your tours while being on one of the best Egypt Nile Cruise Tours between Aswan and Luxor. It is located on the easter bank of the Nile River, Its building process was during the Ptolemaic era and it is dedicated to the two gods Sobek and Hours 


Aswan High Dam

The Aswan High Dam is an engineering marvel that has helped transform Egypt’s infrastructure and agriculture. This massive dam contains 18 times the amount of material used in the Great Pyramid of Giza, the aim of constructing it is protecting Egypt from the flood of the Nile River. Visitors can tour the facilities and also visit the monument overlooking the dam, which offers excellent views. It provides insight into Egypt’s modern history.


Aswan Botanical Garden

This magnificent 25-acre botanical garden on Kitchener Island is home to over 400 species of plants from all over the world. It offers a peaceful respite from the hustle and bustle of the city. Wander through palm groves, gaze at water lilies, and enjoy watching the many birds that call it home. Don’t miss this natural oasis during Egypt Easter Tours vacation. 


The Aga Khan Mausoleum

 The Aga Khan Mausoleum is a hidden gem located on the west bank of the Nile opposite Aswan. It is the burial place of Sir Sultan Mahomed Shah Aga Khan. The mausoleum combines elements of Fatimid architecture with modern styles and is set in a beautiful garden. It is a peaceful and spiritual place to visit.


The Monastery of Saint Semaan

The Monastery of Saint Semaan is another hidden gem located in Aswan. The monastery is dedicated to the 3rd-century saint St. Simeon, it has a magnificent basilica and two ancient pyramids in the Nubian style. It has a great view of the tomb of the nobles. A visit to this lesser-known monastery allows you to explore the history and culture of early Christian Egypt.


Be ready with Cairo Top Tours high-quality service to explore all the beautiful sights in Aswan during the best Egypt Christmas Tours and be accompanied by professional Egyptologists to discover the secrets of the Egyptian civilization. 



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Egypt Tours FAQ

Read top Egypt tours FAQs

Aswan got its name from being a strategic entryway to the south. It was the primary source of granite used for obelisks and sculptures in ancient times. Aswan is well-known for its stunning Nile Valley beauty, rich archaeological monuments, and serene atmosphere.

Every traveler is able to participate in a variety of activities in Aswan, including exploring the west bank, the unfinished obelisk, a day trip to Abo Simple, and Philae Temple. Examine the Nubian Museum.


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