King Akhenaten | Amenhotep IV | Monotheism in Ancient Egypt
Details about King Akhenaten
King Ekhnaton, who managed the king with his father, Amenhotab IV, for more than nine years, is said to have twelve years, and then his father was to pay a price for his health and his youth for his sanctuary and his whims. When Akhnatun took the throne of the country, he found things a bit ready to worship the Sun God alone, symbolizing him with her puck, which he called "Aton", and saying of his idol: "It is the power behind this disc, and it is one that has no partner," he initially built a temple for him in Taiba, the capital of the King.
That did not anger the priests of Amun Ra, because their idol Amun Ra also represents the God of the Sun, but which I keep them insisting on the worship of his God alone and the prohibition of the worship of Amun and other gods. He succeeded in spreading his doctrine throughout the country and in eliminating other doctrines without much trouble ", indicating that the minds were ready to accept it, and that the Pharaohs had holiness.
Akhnatun built his new capital, "Sisters", at speed, and the first houses of state greats and courtiers were in a luxurious healthy style, He has fulfilled the amenities and luxury, and each employee has inscribed his name and titles on the front of his house beside the prayer of the god "Aton", After settling down, the makers gradually flocked to the new capital, taking their homes in the backward space between the homes of the senior employees.
In this town, the Minors are inhabited by the Minister next to the vile cottage where the small maker shelters. They called the Minister's Street, the priest's street and so on. Akhnatun ruled for 17 years, worsening the country's conditions economically, politically and militarily, because he was interested only in spreading his new concept of divinity, bumping into the culture inherited from the decades of religious conflict, and in the plots of priests, causing the loss of many of Egypt's kingdoms, and allowing guardians in far distant encyclopedia.
Ekhenaton had only a little after reigning for eighteen quarters, and he did not know whether the nose had died on his bedding or that he had been assassinated by conspirators after being overlooked by the eye of care that had been guarded, and he had left after establishing a strong religious policy, and having made successful strides in the faith.