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  • Ancient Egyptian Language

    Ancient Egyptian Language

    Text messages were not sent with pyramids. However, a block of the pyramid presented by King Pepi I in 1880 alarmed the new Gaston Maspero, who convinces Mariette to uncover the remains of another pyramid, the Kings of Mererer, at the end of December. Then there came a fantastic discovery: the walls were covered in Egyptian hieroglyphic columns.

  • Writing in Ancient Egypt

    Writing in Ancient Egypt

    Published around 3100 BC, hieroglyphic script was used. They are graven, sacred symbols that bear the gods' utterances and convey the sounds, meanings, and symbols of the drawings they speak.

  • Egyptian Astronomy in Ancient Egypt

    Astronomy in Ancient Egypt

    Astronomy was significant to the Egyptian way of life. The ancient Egyptians were able to anticipate the Nile River's floods and plan agricultural activities by using the celestial vault to create the earliest calendars and sundials.

  • Science in Ancient Egypt

    Science in Ancient Egypt

    The agricultural system of ancient Egypt is connected to its science. The ancient Egyptians created a calendar that divided the year into 365 days in order to control the development of rich land along the flow of the Nile, favoring astronomical study.

  • The economy in ancient Egypt

    The Economy in Ancient Egypt

    Because the area in the Nile valley is so fertile, agriculture has always been the main industry in Egypt. Because of its exceptional agricultural output, temples and pyramids were built with the money earned from farming.

  • Ancient Egyptian Social Structure

    Ancient Egyptian Social Structure

    Ancient Egypt's social and organizational structure was arranged into hierarchical levels, with the monarch at the top. The top of Ancient Egypt's political-social structure was the pharaoh. The pharaoh, who inherited his position at the top of the hierarchical power structure, is the ultimate ruler in the state system.

King Merenre I

Facts about King Merenre I

  • 05 16, 2023

Details about King Merenre I

Mern Ra I was the fourth king of the Sixth Egyptian Dynasty and ruled from 2283 BC to 2278 BC. He was appointed ruler of the Upper Egypt from Elephantine southwards (Aswan) to Atfih and was sent by the pharaoh to the quarries of Abhat in Nubia and the quarries of Elephantine, then to the alabaster quarries in Hatnub in Central Egypt, then the king sent him to make five canals in the south.

His father, King Bibi I, ruled the throne of ancient Egypt for twenty years and received the coronation ceremony of the pharaohs. He was interested in strengthening and developing the army in ancient Egypt, introducing new equipment and tools of war and developing fighting methods. 

He was interested in strengthening Egypt's southern and eastern borders by sending military campaigns to fight enemies as in the geography of ancient Egypt and suppressing revolts in ancient Egypt, especially from the people of Nubia and the Sinai region of the Bedouins.

He violated the traditions of the pharaonic royal family in the sixth Egyptian dynasty by marrying Queen Ankhs In Bibi II, the daughter of the rulers of the Abydos region in southern Egypt, and gave birth to King Mern Ra I, as it was the tradition of the kings of the third Egyptian dynasty until the sixth dynasty to marry only the princesses of the royal palace and not to marry outside the palace. 

He built his own pyramid in the archaeological area of Saqqara, the ‘Pyramid of Men-nefer’. He was interested in building funerary temples in the Saqqara area, where the temple of King Bibi I was discovered in Saqqara, which contains wonderful and very beautiful pharaonic scenes, inscriptions and drawings.

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Egypt considers itself the most famous country in the world for tourism. Here in Egypt, we have one of the 7 wonders of the world, The Pyramids, you should not miss the opportunity to visit the pyramids. In addition to the temples that were built by the Pharaohs. to explore the history of Egypt, you must take a trip to Luxor and Aswan. This trip helps you to know how the Pharaohs lived in the past and the way of life.


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