The Twenty-fifth Dynasty in Ancient Egypt

The 25th Dynasty in Ancient Egypt

Details about the 25th Dynasty in Ancient Egypt

In the previous part of this encyclopedia, we reached the beginning of the reign of Pharaoh Beyenkhet, son of King Kushta, the founder of the Twenty-fifth Dynasty. Beyenkhet took power after his father around 751 BC, in Nabata, the capital of his king in the country of Kush, but he did not come to Egypt until 720 BC, when one of the great princes of Egypt called “Tufnakht”, ruler of the town of “Sayes” (current Saa al-Hajar) and the greatest king or ruler of the Delta, wanted to evict the Kushites from Egypt as a whole.

Most of the feudal princes in the Delta and Central Egypt rallied around him, and he began to march towards the south until he reached the town of Ashmunin, annexing all the countries that were in his path during his march, and when Baynakhi saw the danger that threatened his king in Egypt, he marched at the head of a great army and began to fight Tufnakht and overcame him and his allies until all of them surrendered. “Tufnakht and overcame him and his allied feudal lords until they all surrendered, and all the Nile valley from Nabata to the end of the delta was loyal to him, but he did not work to stabilize his rule in Egypt by appointing a strong central government; he left the matter to the feudal rulers, each in his sphere of influence.

For this reason, they disturbed another ball and broke the obedience to him, headed by “Bokoris”, the successor of “Tufnakht” in “Sayes”, and it was “Baynakhi” who apparently died and his brother “Shabka” took his place, so he fought “Bokoris” and won and killed him, as the Greek writers tell us.

The evidence of the circumstances indicates that Shabaka took Minaf as the capital of his king, and did not follow the policy of his predecessor in taking Nabta as his headquarters, and the conditions began to improve in the Egyptian countries sensibly, as the Kushites and the Egyptians were united in terms of lineage and religion, and there is no surprise in this, as the two peoples owed the religion of the god “Amun-Ra” and belonged to the protector dynasty as we detailed in the previous part of this encyclopedic encyclopedia.


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