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The Ninth Dynasty of Ancient

Historical Facts Regarding the Ninth Dynasty in Ancient Egypt

  • 05 16, 2023

Historical Facts Regarding the Ninth Dynasty 

The transition from the Eighth to the Ninth Dynasties appeared to go easily, with the new rulers adopting their forebears' policies. There were roughly four to thirteen monarchs during the Ninth Dynasty. The Turin Papyrus estimates that there were thirteen kings during the Eighth Dynasty. However, we lost most of their names due to the extensive deterioration to this papyrus. 

Furthermore, the rulers of the Ninth Dynasty ruled for 109 years, according to the Turin Papyrus. The head of a strong family at Ihnasya, who seized control of the nation, was known as Akhtoy (Khety I), the founder of the Ninth Dynasty. Manetho claims that this king mistreated the Egyptians out of cruelty. That is, they endured great suffering from him till the end of his life, when he became even more irrational. When the time came, a crocodile attacked him, and he perished. The nation was divided into three powers: 

  • The Delta was vulnerable to Bedouin raids, and Asian immigrants had already begun to enter the nation through the Delta and settle there. 
  • Middle Egypt: Under Akhtoy's control, it comprised Faiyum, Menia, Asyut, Sohag, and Abydos. Abydos was therefore seen as the limit of his authority.
  • The nome governors took control of Beyond Abydos; they were still each strongly in charge of their respective province and were attempting to consolidate their positions of strength and vanquish their competitors. So, we presume that the Ihnasya kings continued to request the assistance of the nome governors, who continued to be obedient to the Ihnasya rulers and pay tribute to them, while also constructing their own tombs in their respective provinces. 
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The Ninth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt is a relatively obscure period in Egyptian history, and there is limited information available about its rulers and achievements. It is believed to have been a time of political instability and regional rulers. Further research and archaeological discoveries may provide more insights into this less-documented dynasty.


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