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God Thoth | Ancient Egyptian Mythology

Facts About God Thoth | Wisdom’s god in Ancient Egypt

  • 05 16, 2023

He was equated with the goddess of justice and cosmic order, Maat, who was his female counterpart. Ashmunein was one of his most important places of worship. The ancient Egyptians glorified him because they believed that he taught them writing and arithmetic. He was usually depicted holding a pen and a tablet on which he was writing. 


In addition, the remains of Ashmunein have been discovered, including a fully-fledged city and many inscriptions, papyri, hieroglyphic, and demotic documents related to the god Thoth. Seize the opportunity and discover the iconic artifacts and monuments of Thoth after choosing one of Egypt Classic Tours that enables you to choose various tours for Egyptian pharaohs and gods from the Egyptian civilization. 


The tomb of the high priest in the temple of the god Thoth, in Tozeris, which is considered one of the most beautiful landmarks in the region combines Egyptian and Greek styles in its art and architecture. Egypt is very rich with monuments, mummies, and temples that back to many civilizations, not only the Egyptian civilization. Be ready to join Egypt Trips during one of the best times of the year to join Egypt Easter Tours to enjoy discovering the different civilizations. 


He was also known as the "source of eloquence", the name of things and the alphabet, and the inventor of hieroglyphics, arithmetic, and astronomy. Moreover, Much of Thoth's power over humans and gods came from his appointment as Ra's deputy and assistant to shine light on the underworld. He was given the name "Thoth took the place of Ra" and was also the "heart of Ra", meaning the source of Ra's wisdom. The moon was given to him to balance Ra's sun as the "moon god".


Furthermore, Thoth used his knowledge of mathematics to measure the seasons and organize time and the calendar, as the ancient Egyptians called the "Thothian calendar". The first month of the Egyptian year was called "Thoth". It was his will that maintained the earth and its balance and was called "Thoth - Thoth - Thoth". Don’t miss the opportunity to discover the Egyptian genius mentality of the Egyptian rulers and gods with Egypt Christmas tours and fill your vacation with different types of excitement. 

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Thoth was widely worshipped throughout ancient Egypt, especially in the intellectual circles. He had several cult centers, with the city of Hermopolis Magna being a significant center of his worship. Thoth was associated with sacred writings and was often invoked by scribes, scholars, and those seeking wisdom. Rituals and offerings were dedicated to him, and his imagery was prevalent in temples and tombs. Additionally, Thoth was often depicted as an ibis-headed man accompanying the pharaoh in royal ceremonies and acted as a guide and protector of the ruler.


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