Sultan Hassan Complex
Sultan Hassan Complex
The Sultan Hasan Mosque-Madrasa, located in Salah al-Din Square in Cairo's historic district, is a sizable mosque and religious educational institution. Built during the rule of Bahri Mamluks from 1356 to 1363, it was commissioned by Sultan an-Nasir Hasan. The mosque, known for its vast dimensions and innovative architectural elements, continues to stand out as one of Cairo's most remarkable historical landmarks.
Inside Sultan Hassan Complex
The Sultan Hassan Complex is distinguished by its impressive size and intricate decorations, establishing it as a valuable example of ancient Islamic Art within Islamic Cairo buildings. In a book about Egypt, "Gomar" talks about the Mosque-Madrasa of Sultan Hasan. This detail makes it an important destination on Egypt trips as it highlights the Sultan Hassan Mosque & Madrasa's (Masjid al-Sultan Hasan Cairo) vibrant Islamic history.
The Royal Mosque, also known as Al Rifai Mosque, is a well-visited site near Sultan Hassan Complex.
Ancient Cairo showcasing Islamic elements.
Because of its towering dome, the minaret is considered one of Cairo's most magnificent buildings, thanks to its height, width, opulence, and adornments. Al-Maqrizi described it as a Muslim shrine not officially acknowledged in Islam, looking like a mosque yet worth visiting on your trips in Cairo. Standing out as one of the most unique attractions in Cairo, the tallest entrance in Islamic Cairo also holds the title as the largest building in the area. The compound consists of a Musque, buildings for education, and lodgings for students and teachers to reside in overnight. Four schools offer instruction in the four Sunni legal traditions. Exploring the Mosque of Sultan Hassan during your Egypt day tours is an essential destination in Cairo and Islamic Cairo, and could be considered one of the top attractions worldwide due to its beauty. The walls stand at a towering 36 meters tall.