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  • Temple of beit el-wali Aswan

    Beit El Wali | Aswan Attractions

    Ramses II carved a six-tuned stone temple northwest of Kalabsha, including a front courtyard, colonnaded hall, and Holy of Holies. The temple, made of stone, was converted into a church during Christian times. It features a carved Holy of Holies. The front courtyard walls depict King Ramses II's wars, with the right wall depicting Asians and Libyans, and the left wall showing the Nubians. These scenes are repeated on the transverse hall walls, with the king slaughtering the Libyans and Nubians on the right and left walls respectively.

  • Ahnasia | Ahnasia City

    Ehnasia, the capital of ancient Egypt

    Ehnasia, a significant city in the Beni Suef governorate, was the capital of Egypt from 2242 to 2452 BC. Established in 1944 by the Interior, it was later amended in 1965 to Ihnasia, also known as Umm Al-Kaiman, due to the presence of dunes and sand gatherings in the area. The city's history is significant in the region. The Bahnasia archaeological area spans 390 acres and houses the remains of King Ramses II's temple, including two quartz statues.

  • St. Catherine of Alexandria|st. Catherine of Alexandria church

    St. Catherine's Cathedral | Alexandria

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  • Mark the Evangelist

    Saint Mark the Evangelist

    He is John, also known as Mark, whose name appears often in the epistles in the book of Acts. He was known by two names: Mark, which means "devoted to the god Mars," and John, which means "Jehovah Hanan" in Hebrew. According to the Apostle Paul, he is the cousin of the martyr St. Barnabas. St. Mark was born in Cyrene, Libya, to Jewish parents, Aristobulus and Mary, who were considered the first Christians in Jerusalem. He learned Greek, Latin, and Hebrew, and was a skilled scholar in the tribe of Levi.

  • Marriott Mena House Hotel | historic Hotels in The World

    Marriott Mena House Cairo | 5-Star Hotel

    In 1869, Khedive Ismail built the Mina House Hotel in front of the Giza Pyramids, aiming to have a rest house after hunting trips. The hotel, surrounded by jasmine gardens, overlooks the pyramids plateau. Ismail expanded the rest house, prepared a pyramid street, and transformed it into a palace for guests attending the opening ceremony of the Suez Canal.

  • Gulf of Egyptian See| The Gulf of Suez

    About Suez Gulf, Egypt

    West of the Sinai Peninsula, on the northernmost edge of the Red Sea, lies a bay known as the Gulf of Suez. The Gulf of Aqaba is the smaller bay east of the Sinai Peninsula. The gulf was formed inside the about 26 million-year-old, comparatively tiny, but long-inactive Gulf of Suez Fault Basin. The Gulf of Suez, spanning 300 kilometers north-northwestwards, ends at the Egyptian city of Suez and the entrance to the Suez Canal. It marks the border between Africa and Asia and is considered one of the most significant bodies of water due to its location above the Jamsha oil and gas field.

Alexandria Lighthouse Pharos

Things to Know About the Ancient Alexandrian Lighthouse Pharos

  • 05 16, 2023

Alexandria's lighthouse glowed for over a millennium before collapsing. From the third century BC until the Middle Ages, mariners have been led by the Alexandria lighthouse, which stands watch over the harbor of the city that Alexander the Great established. 

The Seven Wonders of the ancient world had many different uses. Some were decorative like the hanging gardens of Babylon. Others, such as the temple of Artemis in Ephesus, had a spiritual function. The lighthouse of Alexandria, besides being beautiful and functional, served a practical purpose: for centuries, its serene light led ships to port in the Egyptian night, thus placing the city at the center of the Mediterranean trade routes.

Alexander the Great founded the city that bears his name in 331 BC while he was travelling through northern Egypt with a handful of men. Barely three years had passed since the beginning of his Persian campaign and the Macedonian king already controlled the eastern Mediterranean coast. On the delta of the Nile, he decided to found a port that would perpetuate its maritime influence while replacing the Phoenician city of Tyre (which he had just razed) in its role as a strategic trading place. He soon found the perfect place for his new city: a territory connected to the Nile by the westernmost arm of the river and protected by Lake Mariout in the south.

The location of the lighthouse was carefully chosen. Off Alexandria, there was the small island of Pharos. It was an integral part of Greek culture since it is here that Menelaus (one of the Greek warriors of the Iliad and the Odyssey) ran aground on returning from the Trojan War. According to Plutarch, Homer appeared in a dream to Alexander the Great to quote him the verses he had composed about the island: On the wave of waves, at the mouth of Egypt, some islands rise; it is called Pharos. [... ] There is a good port, [...]. When he woke up, Alexander set out to find this island, and when he discovered it, he exclaimed, "Homer, this wonderful poet, is also the most skilled architect!"

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Alexandria was a very special place long ago. People loved to visit because it had three amazing things. One was a really tall lighthouse that was one of the most amazing things in the world at that time. Another was a huge library with lots of books, the biggest library in the whole world back then. And the last thing was a special underground place called catacombs, which were very impressive and also very old.


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