Tour of Papyrus Manufacturing
Tour of Papyrus Manufacturing
Out of the numerous plants cultivated by the ancient Egyptians, the papyrus plant also known as Cyperus Papyrus which initially used to flourish in the delta wetlands is no longer existent in such regions. The ancient Egyptians made use of this plant in many ways documented by the likes of “Herodotus”, “Theophrastus” and “Pliny”, out of which the most notable is producing papyrus paper from it, from which paper, as we know it, is made today.
Papyrus plant itself grows to about seven to ten feet long, excluding the flower and roots and also the length of the papyrus is about one and a half inches, the diameter of the stem which is triangular in shape contains: a thin and shaven outer covering, a typical cellular moist tissue, the same from which the papyrus was produced.
Given the aim and purpose of the workshops, they will concentrate on the practical aspects of these activities such as making papyrus paper and utilizing the fact that papyrus is a water plant, hence, it needs plenty of heat and water for it to survive, which was the norm for ancient Egyptians who worshipped the plant for two reasons. Firstly its flowering patterns which resembled sunlight and it’s rays which represented the sun god Amun-Ra and secondly, the stem that had a conical shape which has always represented glory and everlasting life.
The workshops detail the process of making papyrus, so for instance, to make a papyrus leaf cutting would have to be done on the stem at a specific length appropriate for the leaf. In explaining the making of the leaf, the inner part is cut into thin strips. Then, a device that breaks the fibers is used to take care of the moist inner strips.
After that, the strips are soaked in water for six days if we want the paper to be yellow, and this slow process continues for brown paper where the wet strips are left for twelve days. After that, the wet strips are taken, and they are prepared by cross-laid between two thick carpets and placed under a hand-press for six days to produce the final compressing this time, to obtain papyrus.