Coffin of King Intef

King Intef I

Data about King Intef I

King Intef I, popular by the name of this dynasty’s intrepid warrior-king Intef I, was a member of the 11th dynasty of Egyptian pharaohs, who occupied an important place in the transition period between Middle Kingdom and Old Kingdom. In a nutshell, some salient facts and achievements about him are below:

Period and Context: The 1Insef I death took place towards the tail end of the history of the First Intermediate Period and in the opening chapters of the Middle Kingdom. This period was characterized by extreme political fragmentation of the country, which was split among several warring dynasties.

Role and Achievements:

Unification: Intef I is famous for his endeavors to conquer entire Egypt that was then composed of independent local kingdoms. He sought to expand his authority and unify the entire country under his rule.

Expansion of territory: He undertook various military campaigns aimed at capturing new lands, especially in the Nile delta, to re-establish the supremacy of the 11th Dynasty over vital territories.

Succession: Intef I is often seen as the precursor to the reigns of his successors, particularly his son Mentuhotep II, who played a crucial role in completing the reunification of Egypt and the beginning of the Middle Kingdom.

Successors often see Intef I as Behind his throne because Mentuhotep II did everything to have all Egypt united in one kingdom and end the First Intermediate period. Inscriptions and artefacts indicate he left marks of his reign and built structures even though directly linked archaeologically there is a lack of enough evidence to prove he constructed something during those years.

It is important for understanding the transition from a fragmented, disjointed First Intermediate Period to a period of renewal and prosperity known as Middle Kingdom. The rule of king intef I is therefore central towards comprehending the intricate weave of ancient Egyptian politics, with a lot of what his successors achieved depending on him.

When you arrive here in Egypt, You have to look at the history of Egypt. First, you could visit the city of Luxor, which has most of the world's monuments. In Luxor, you will have the opportunity to visit The Temple of Luxor and the Temple of Karnak. On the other hand, you should not miss visiting the Pyramids of Giza, which are among the 7 wonders of the world. Cairo Top Tours offers all these trips for you to enjoy visiting Egypt at a cheap price.

The rule of the ancient Pharaoh Mamluks began in 1250 AD, when they overthrew the Ayyubid Dynasty and established their rule in Egypt. Their rule in Egypt ended in 1517 AD, when the Ottoman Empire, under the leadership of Sultan Selim I, defeated them and incorporated Egypt into the Ottoman Empire.


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