The Twelfth Dynasty of the History of Ancient Egypt
One of the things we know about the history of the Twelfth Egyptian Dynasty is that its founder was King Amenemhat I, who was the minister of the last king of the Eleventh Dynasty, and this dynasty - the Twelfth - suffered great hardships to impose its control and legitimacy on the births of the previous dynasty, and was able to achieve success despite some serious crises.
This family held power for more than two hundred years. It did not lose control until one of the queens who became Pharaoh - called Skemiophris - in mysterious circumstances - and her policy and features of her rule extended to the next dynasty
The first period:
It is the period starting from the reign of King ‘Imnemhat I’ until the reign of King ‘Senwosret II’, in which the pharaohs tried to reconcile the conditions of the Tibetan inheritance from the state it was in during the first transition phase, as they assumed the task of continuing the Eleventh Dynasty, although they removed it from their path and with it the traditional methods of the ancient state - the traditional methods of the ancient state. For this reason, Lisht was chosen as an administrative capital close to Minph so that it could benefit from its cultural radiation (in the arts and religious sciences), but it was far from it to the south, and in a suitable location between Upper and Lower Egypt, which allowed it to retain its autonomy.
Second period:
This is the period from the beginning of the reign of King Snowsert II, where there has been a major change in State organs, with new jobs, a new class and new titles. The tasks and responsibilities of the workforce and production management have also been redistributed.
Names of the 12th Egyptian Family King
1. Amenmahat I (Sahab IPR)
1991-1962 B.C. m.
He was co-judged by his son, Snosert I, for 10 years before his death.
2 - Snowsert I (Khabar Ka Ra)
1971 - 1926 B.C. m.
3. Nob Cao Ra
1929-1892 B.C. m.
4 - SNOSERT II (Let's tell Ra's news)
1898-1879 B.C. m.
5 - Snowsert III (Cow Ra.)
1879-1841 B.C. m.
6. Emmahat III (Ni Ma 'at Ra)
1841-1799 B.C. m.
7. Emmahat IV (Ni ma 'at Khrew Ra)
1799 - 1787 B.C. m.
8. Subic Nafro (Subic Ka Ra)
1787-1783. m.