The Egyptian goddess Isis
Isis was one of the most famous goddesses in Egyptian history. It was believed that Isis was guiding the dead to the afterlife, as she helped Osiris. She was considered the divine mother of the pharaoh, who was likened to her son Horus. Her maternal assistance was represented in the healing of common people from any pain or diseases. Besides, in the "Pyramid Texts", Isis is mentioned for the first time in history, in what is known as funerary texts of the pyramids. She is mentioned for being obedient to her husband, and a caring mother. Come to Egypt and seize the opportunity to discover the wonderous pyramids and choose another tour from Cairo Day Tours to have an exceptional vacation.
Upper Egypt, especially Aswan includes many temples of Isis such as the Temple of Abydos located between the cities of Girga and Nag Hammadi. It is the oldest temple of Isis, as it was built before the construction of the pyramids. It is believed that it contains the burial place of Osiris, as well as the Temple of Qift and the famous Temple of Philae-on-Philae Island, you can discover these beautiful and gorgeous temples during your Nile Cruise Tours or through a Tours of Aswan Day Tours to learn more and more about the goddess Isis. Contact Cairo Top Tours and tailor your itinerary or choose from Egypt Classic Tours itineraries according to your preferences.
Let’s discover how the worshipping of Isis spread out in the whole world. The Egyptian sailors traveled across the Mediterranean to trade, carrying with them rituals and beliefs in Isis: They transferred their knowledge and rituals to the European world. Isis was the perfect goddess, as it displays a perfect picture of the charming woman, the faithful wife, and the nurturing mother.
Moreover, Isis worshipping spread out not only in the Middle East, but also in ancient London, where relics belonging to a temple dedicated to the goddess Isis were found, making London the only British city to prove the existence of Isis, and there are other cities in France and Germany where similar artifacts were found. Explore the Egyptian temples of Isis during your vacation in Egypt Easter Tours with our professional team.