The Egyptian god Osiris
Osiris was the responsible god for the underworld, he was receiving the dead people to know their destination by testing their hearts which symbolizes their deeds in life: the bad and good deeds. Their heart will be put on a scale and weighed on one side, and on another side the feather of the god Mat “the god of morals and justice”. Then, the test is here what will weigh more to have a heavy heart or not? This test will prove what will be their destination: is they will enter paradise and get beautiful clothes or another not-good destination? You can discover Osiris and the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians during your itinerary from Egypt Classic Tours.
There’s a very famous myth about the gods Isis and Osiris and how Seth has divided the corpse of Osiris into many pieces and put every piece in a different place in Egypt. After that, Isis and her sister find the pieces and bury them, then the great surprise appears to be resurrected and have a new life. His existence became in the underworld as a ruler and judge for the deeds of the ancient Egyptians. The ancient Egyptians believed that Osiris had a strong relation with the floods of the Nile River. During your Egypt Christmas vacation, you can visit the two beautiful cities of Luxor and Aswan and have a new experience of Egypt Nile cruise Tours to see the massive temples like Luxor temple and Karnak temple; in addition, you can see the great temple of Abydos which is strongly related to Osiris and worshipping him.