God Shu | Egyptian God of Air
The Egyptian Air God
Shu is the lord of air and wind whose actions were shown in hot desert air, as they were shown in cold winds that refresh humans and animals. It is not entirely known what his name means, but it is possible to read as follows this rises; With the possibility of deriving from an act in the sense of being empty, Shu is usually portrayed as a badminton on his head, the hieroglyphic symbol used to write his name.
He is also a member of the Heliopolis Owners' Complex; The creation began with Shu and his sister Tvinot, and the two emerged from the primitive Lord Atom, who held the qualities of male and female together, and according to one account of the myth of creation in Heliopolis, Shu came from Zephyr Atom.
For this it is associated with the soul, as a whiff; Or as the basis of life itself and of Shu and Tafnut came GB and Nott, Shu's function was to carry Knut and separate the sky from Earth. Thus, Shu is the divine ability that created the space of life in which the creation takes place.
That is why Shu escaped persecution under King Akhnatun; He was considered a resident of time in the sun disk and Shu later, too, was associated with the Moon, through which the Moon lit up the path for the deceased and the masters, across the other world.
Although Shu is mentioned in pyramid texts and plays an important role in coffin texts; It is almost remembered in others before the age of the modern State. His appearance was perhaps the result of his association with the foundation of life, which played a pivotal role in the priesthood of that period.