The Goddess Neth, Neith
The Goddess Neth, Neith
Neith - the symbol of war, weaving and hunting among the pharaohs and ancient Egyptians | Facts and history of gods and religious beliefs in the civilisation of ancient Egypt, discover the legends, temples, tales about it and more.Goddess Neith or as it was known in ancient times as the Virgin Mother, Neith is symbolised as the goddess of war and weaving, it was once a goddess who creates humans, and his father is the god Nu, Neith had a group of sons including Apophis, Thoth and Sobek, learn more information about her below.
The legend of her creation tells that she emerged by herself from the heart of light, and that the earth was still in its darkness. She became a cow, then she became a white fish and began to walk on her way until she lit up the scene with her eyes like light, and lifted a punch in the middle of the water from (Esna), called the land of water and the city of Sayes on which she flew like a beetle.
Then other areas of Sayes appeared and the land of Sayes was called the Land of Creation. In this place the gods would be created, then the sun, and then the world would be guarded by the Word, as we will see in the third formation.
Thus, the myth of the creator goddess Neith is an ideal myth for combining the two ways of creating the female (as a goddess) with creating the male (by word), a rare association embodied by the myth of this goddess outside the solar system. Creation. The Greeks were guided by their goddess Athena (instead of Bows) and believed that she would make way for and protect Pharaoh when he went to war.
Portrayal of the Goddess Neet
- The goddess Nette came bearing the Wass scepter, a scepter that was used in ancient times to symbolize power, as well as the ankh, the key to life.
- The goddess bore a number of titles, including the Cow of Heaven, and was thus similar to the goddess Peanut.
- She was believed to be the protector of the royal house and was considered to be the unbridled fury of the sun.
- Over time, she became the personification of water, the source of human creation, and was later united with the Great Mother Goddess.
- This goddess was known to be able to create humans, but only one race.