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God Aton | God Aten | Amarna Mythology

Detais About God Aton | Aten God of Egypt

  • 05 16, 2023

The Egyptian gods

Ancient Egyptians knew the principle of multilateralism from the worship of natural phenomena to the sanctification of ideas and symbols like most ancient human societies at the time. Each God had a certain power stemming from the strength of the group he believed in. Many powerful gods emerged on the stage of ancient Egyptian history. From the sun god "Ra" and the God "Amon" to the God "Aton", the power of the God comes from the power of the group believing in that God.

Upon the advent of Amnovs IV to the Egyptian throne, the priests of God Amon had made him the official God of the whole State and its new geographical borders (Military expansion has reached its maximum) which has brought more resources to Egypt (The tribute), which mostly went to the temple's treasury, increased their economic influence after the tyranny of their political influence, and this influence and power was reflected in the God Amon because of the strength of his followers as well as the Amnovs who wanted to scale their power, influence and activities. He called for his doctrine of renouncing the principle of the multiplicity of God and the worship of the one God, the worship of the sun God "Aton".

Despite the reasons for "Amnovs IV - Akhnatun" (1367 - 1350. M.L.) to declare his religious invitation, but it was the first call for unification in ancient Egypt to abolish the manifestation of multiple gods and to acknowledge the existence of one God and no other God, the God "Come the Great Neighborhood" - that is, the sun disk - and rejoicing in his illuminated mountain in his name. (Shaw) who is the name of Aton, and whose faith is based on the worship of the Sun itself, whose radiation extends in the form of hands, gives the King her living son on Earth "millions of lives in it" and through him to the whole world. 

So the new God was not called any God of the ancient Sun and it was not called the "Sun" but the "Atten" -- the Sun Disk -- and it was not used in the names of the ancient gods. But the worship of the Sun was known to the Egyptians from the very age and if it arose with other names, manifestations and images by the establishment of local gods that took centre stage as evidence that the deity "Amun" even when it reaches the top of its glory is coupled with the Sun as "Amun _ Ra", another manifestation of the Sun God.

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God Aton, also known as Aten, is an ancient Egyptian deity associated with the sun and considered to be the solar disk itself.


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