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  • Ancient Egyptian Civilization

    Ancient Egyptian Civilization

    Egypt is regarded as the land of civilizations from the beginning of time because civilizations were founded there on the banks of the Nile River, which is revered by both ancient and modern Egyptians as a symbol of stability and fertility. The ancient Egyptian civilizations predate Christ by more than 5500 years. The ancient Egyptian civilization started when King Narmer, also known as Minis, united these two kingdoms under his authority.

  • Statue of King Amenemhat I

    King Amenemhat I | 12th Dynasty Kings

    He is the first monarch of Egypt's Twelfth Dynasty, which is regarded as the Middle Kingdom's prime period. From 1991 BC until 1962 BC, he was king.

  • King Mentuhotep II

    King Mentuhotep II | Last King of the 11th Dynasty

    The XV Dynasty was founded by the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Mentuhot II, whose regal name means "the god Montu is satisfied." He governed Egypt from 2061 to 2010 BC. He became the first Egyptian monarch in the Middle Kingdom and is credited with bringing the nation back together following the chaos of the First Decadence.

  • King Merenre II

    King Merenre II

    After just a single year in power, Pepi II, his half-brother, replaced Merenra II. The canon of Turin and Manetone agree in attributing to the new king a reign of more than ninety years, dying more than a century after a rather serene existence after all lively, casual, and generous, so it is necessary that the new king was still a child when he ascended to the throne, according to a literary source.

  • King Merenre I

    King Merenre I

    Merenra I, the fourth king of the Sixth Dynasty, succeeded Pepi I. He governed for a brief time, maybe serving under his father for a few years before ceding power for nearly nine years, during which time he passed away in the early years of his second decade of life.

  • King Senusret II _ History

    King Senusret II | 12th Dynasty Middle Kingdom

    Following his father, King Amenemhat II, as a co-ruler during his latter years, King Senusret II was the fourth monarch of Egypt's XII Dynasty. The thing that sets him apart the most is his intense passion for the Fayoum Oasis, which led him to start constructing a massive irrigation system that runs from Bahr Youssef to Lake Morris.

Suez Governorate

Facts About El Suez Governorate | Suez Canal Egypt

  • 05 16, 2023

Suez Canal Egypt

Suez Governorate is one of Egypt's governorates, with an area of 25,400 km2. Its capital is the city of Suez. It is an urban governorate with one city, characterised by a unique location as it is the entrance to Africa and the countries of Southwest and East Asia, which made it a meeting place for global trade and a citadel for industry and industrial investment.

Suez is one of the richest countries in Egypt with a tourist attraction where the average number of visitors annually is more than 256.972 thousand visitors annually, due to its natural beauty as it is embraced by Mount Ataqa to the west, the Gulf of Suez and the Abu Al Daraj lighthouse to the south, the Suez Canal to the east, parks, Geneva and lakes to the north, which distinguishes it from others with a wonderful atmosphere all year round.

The Suez Canal is a man-made waterway at sea level that stretches across Egypt from north to south through the Isthmus of Suez to link the Mediterranean with the Red Sea. The Canal also separates the two continents of Africa and Asia. It is the fastest maritime route connecting Europe with the nations west of the Pacific and around the Indian Ocean. It is among the world's busiest waterways.

The characteristics of the canal

The canal crosses four different zones from north to south. From Port-Saïd, built on a sandy ridge, it crosses 40 km of flooded land bordering Lake Manzala. It then crosses a region of sills, enters Lake Timsah, on the shores of which the town of Ismā'īliya was built, and reaches the depression of the Amers Lakes. It follows the communicating basins of these two lakes, which were once parched. Finally, for 25 km, it skirts the rocky foothills that separate the Nile basin from the Red Sea, and reaches the Gulf of Suez at Port-Tawfīq, 3.5 km south of the Arab city of Suez.

The total length of this canal at level (i.e. without locks) is 164 km. When it was commissioned in 1869, it was between 7 and 8 metres deep, which was enough to allow the large ships of the day to pass through, and around 20 metres wide, which meant it had to be crossed at stations.

The rapid increase in the number, tonnage and speed of ships passing through the canal led the managing company to carry out numerous works to adapt the canal to the new requirements: increasing the depth and, above all, the width of the waterway to allow ships to pass at any point, consolidating the embankments and modifying their profiles, and developing the port facilities.

Between commissioning and 1948, six improvement programmes brought the minimum width of the canal to 60 m, and its depth to 11.70 m (allowing the passage of ferries with a draught of 10.36 m). Despite these changes, the appearance of very large ships - particularly oil tankers - soon necessitated the formation of convoys crossing each other in the Amers lakes. To speed up transits, the seventh programme provided for another crossing zone: a branch canal doubling the main canal between kilometres 50 and 60 (from Port-Saïd); it was brought into service in 1951.

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The Suez Canal is of immense significance to Egypt for various economic, geopolitical, and historical reasons. Here are some key aspects of its significance:

Strategic Location: The Suez Canal is strategically located in Egypt, connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea. This artificial waterway provides the shortest maritime route between Europe and the lands lying around the Indian and western Pacific oceans.

Trade and Commerce: The Suez Canal is one of the world's busiest and most important waterways for global trade. It allows ships to bypass the lengthy and dangerous trip around the southern tip of Africa, significantly reducing travel time and costs. Approximately 12% of global trade passes through the canal, making it a vital link in the world's trade network.

Economic Revenue: The canal generates substantial revenue for Egypt through tolls and fees levied on ships transiting the canal. This income contributes significantly to Egypt's economy, helping fund infrastructure development and various projects.

Job Creation: The operation and maintenance of the Suez Canal provide employment opportunities for thousands of Egyptians, directly and indirectly, in various industries such as shipping, logistics, and tourism.

Geopolitical Influence: Egypt's control of the Suez Canal has a substantial impact on its geopolitical position and influence in the region. The canal's presence gives Egypt a strategic advantage and enhances its role as a regional player.

National Pride: The Suez Canal is a symbol of national pride for Egyptians. Its construction in the 19th century and its expansion and modernization efforts over the years have been seen as monumental achievements for the country.

Historical Significance: The idea of a waterway connecting the Mediterranean and Red Seas dates back to ancient Egypt. Modern construction of the canal began in the mid-19th century under French engineer Ferdinand de Lesseps. Its completion in 1869 had a profound impact on global trade and transportation.

Global Shipping Routes: The Suez Canal's significance extends beyond Egypt; it affects global shipping routes and the cost of goods worldwide. Any disruptions or closures, such as during conflicts or blockages, can have significant consequences for global trade and energy markets.

Energy Transit: The canal plays a crucial role in the transit of oil and liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the Middle East to markets in Europe and beyond. It is a key route for the transportation of energy resources, making it vital for the global energy industry.


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