Dio Serapide | Antiche divinità egizie
Dio Serapide
Serapis was usually depicted as the sun, fertility, and afterlife. His companion was Isis, the wife of Osiris, and one of the most popular deities according to religion in ancient Egypt during the Ptolemaic Period. Serapis was represented as a man with an elaborate Greek hairstyle wearing Greek-style robes and a full beard. He often wears a basket on his head. Sometimes he is depicted as a serpent in honor of his connection with the underworld and fertility.
Antiche divinità egizie
The cult of Serapis was a huge success for the Ptolemaic dynasty, and various temples were built in Egypt for his worship. The main temple was in the Ptolemaic capital, Alexandria. According to the geographer Strabo, the Serapeum in Alexandria stood in the west of the city. Although it was an important site throughout the Mediterranean.
The Gods of ancient Egypt were very much like humans they loved and hated, they felt jealous and fought, they took revenge, killed and also died during an amazing myth full of joyful, action and dramatic events that inspired modern movie directors and producers to create world-famous movies about the grandeur of the Pharaohs and the Gods they worshipped.
Would you like to live a journey through ancient Egyptian culture and mythology? you can make it happen and spend a day to visit Abydos, Giza, Luxor, Aswan to see the tombs of the Pharaohs adorned with very clear, detailed and beautifully painted scenes of the various deities of ancient Egypt as well as many other sites,
Il nostro team vi aiuterà a viaggiare in Egitto e sperimentare il tempo soleggiato del nostro bel paese durante la Pasqua 2024, grazie alla loro vasta conoscenza del turismo egiziano. Puoi personalizzare il tuo pacchetto selezionando uno dei nostri pacchetti di viaggio in Egitto o sfruttare al massimo il tuo tempo in una breve visita, imparando di più sulla storia egiziana e le sue affascinanti storie e vivendola attraverso tour privati al Cairo. Partecipa a uno dei nostri tour economici in Egitto attraverso il deserto del Sahara, come i tour di Siwa dal Cairo, per esempio, o preferibilmente i tour nel Deserto Bianco d'Egitto. Scoprite i nostri tour di un giorno ad Assuan, fate una gita di un giorno da Assuan ad Abu Simbel, o viaggiate via terra e godetevi i nostri tour di un giorno a Luxor per vedere gli incredibili templi di Karnak, il Tempio di Luxor, il Tempio di Hatshepsut, e vedete le meravigliose tombe splendidamente dipinte nella Valle dei Re, questo è il luogo dove i re e i governanti del nuovo regno riposano in pace e imparate i loro riti di mummificazione e sepoltura.