The Valley of the Kings, also known as the "Valley of Biban of the Kings," is a valley in Egypt that was used for 500 years between the sixteenth and eleventh centuries BC to build tombs for the pharaohs and nobles of the New Kingdom, which lasted from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Dynasties in ancient Egypt.The valley is located on the western bank of the Nile River, facing Thebes (currently Luxor), in the heart of the ancient funerary city of Thebes. The Valley of the Kings is divided into two valleys: The Eastern Valley (where most of the royal tombs are located) and the Western Valley With the discovery of the last burial chamber in 2006, known as (Cemetery 63), as well as the discovery of two additional entrances to the same chamber in 2008, the number of graves discovered so far has reached 63, ranging from a small hole in the ground to a complex grave containing more than 120. A burial chamber inside.All of these tombs were used to bury the kings and princes of ancient Egypt's New Kingdom, as well as select nobles and members of the ruling family. The royal tombs are marked by the inclusion of images and inscriptions from ancient Egyptian mythology that depict the religious beliefs and memorial ceremonies of the time. All of the uncovered graves were opened and looted in antiquity, yet they nevertheless serve as compelling evidence of the monarchs' power and affluence.Since the late eighteenth century, this location has served as a hub for scout excavations to research archeology and Egyptology, as its tombs pique scientists' interest in expanding such studies and archaeological investigations. The valley rose to prominence in the contemporary period following the discovery of Tutankhamun's whole tomb and the spread of tales about the Pharaohs' curse. The valley remained noteworthy for the archaeological digs that took place throughout it until 1979, when it was designated a World Heritage Site.In addition to the whole funeral city of Thebes. Detection, excavation, and restoration operations continue in the Valley of the Kings, and a tourist center has recently opened.