Queen Nefertiti
Queen Nefertiti, whose name means "the Beautiful has come", is the wife of King Amenhotep IV (who later became Akhenaten), the famous Eighteenth Dynasty pharaoh, and the mother-in-law of Tutankhamun. She was considered one of the most powerful women in ancient Egypt. She lived a short time after the death of her husband, helped Tutankhamun to become king, and this beautiful queen had a high status during the reign of her husband. She belongs to the Eighteenth Dynasty, she lived in the fourteenth century BC, and like what happened with her husband, her name was erased from historical records, and her photos were defaced after her death. Nefertiti was famous for the bust of her face depicted and carved on a piece of limestone in one of the most magnificent pieces of art from the ancient era and is the most famous drawing of Queen Nefertiti.
Early life and family,
Almost nothing is known about the life of Nefertiti before her marriage to Akhenaten. Scenes from the tombs of the nobles in Amarna indicate that Nefertiti had a sister named mutineers. Ti also bore the title of" Nurse of the Great Royal Wife [Nefertiti] "In addition, Ti's husband (I) bore the title of"Father of God". Some Egyptologists believe that this surname was given to a man whose daughter married the Pharaoh. Based on these titles, it has been suggested that AI was the father of Nefertiti. However, I or T are not explicitly referred to as Nefertiti's parents in extant sources. At the same time, there are no sources that directly contradict AI's paternity of Nefertiti, since he had a great influence during Nefertiti's life and after her death.
According to another theory, Nefertiti was the daughter of AI and his first wife, but AI's first wife died before Nefertiti ascended to the position of Queen, whereupon AI married Te, making her Nefertiti's stepmother. However, this whole proposal is based on conjecture.
It has also been suggested that Nefertiti was Akhenaten's half-sister, although this is contradicted by her titles, not including the title "King's daughter" or "King's sister", which is usually used to refer to a relative of the Pharaoh.
The exact dates when Nefertiti married Akhenaten and became the great royal wife of the King are uncertain. It is known that they had at least six daughters together, including Meret Aton, mekhit Aton, Ankh Esen Aton (later named Ankh Esen Amon when she married Tutankhamun), neferefrewatun tashrit, neferefrewatun Ra, step-in-RA Nefertiti was suggested as the mother of Tutankhamun, however, a genetic study conducted on the discovered mummies suggests that she was not.
Her role as a wife
Queen Nefertiti shared her husband in the worship of the new god Aten the power of the sun disk and she and her husband were the mediators between the people and Aten, it is assumed that she will be granted full blessing only when the royal couple is united, and Nefertiti during the first years of her husband's reign changed her name according to the change of her faith to neferneferaton Nefertiti which means "Aten shines because the Beautiful has come".
Nefertiti is remembered for the bust of her face depicted and carved on a piece of limestone in one of the most magnificent pieces of art from the ancient era, the most famous portrait of Queen Nefertiti. It was found by the German Egyptologist Ludwig Borchardt on December 6, 1912, in the workshop of Thutmose the sculptor at Tell el Amarna.
Borchardt smuggled the complete statue (not scratched) to his home in the Zamalek neighborhood of Cairo, and from there smuggled it to Germany hidden among broken, worthless pieces of pottery, sent to Berlin for restoration.
There is another statue of Nefertiti's head in the Egyptian Museum, made of Red Quartz and decorated with touches of the Outrigger, which is no less finely made than the head in Berlin, but it is less famous.
One of the royal titles of Nefertiti is the Great Royal Wife, Nefertiti bore Akhenaten six daughters, these are:
Merritt ATON was born in Thebes before moving to ATON's sister
Makt Aton
Ankh-en - BA-Aton, who married Tutankhamun
Neferneferu Aton tashiri
Neferneferu Ra
Step in RA
Her life
Queen Nefertiti joined her husband in the worship of the new religion, the cult of the Aten, and the power of the sun disk, and she and her husband were the mediators between the people and Aten, and it is assumed that the full blessing will be granted only when the royal couple unites. During the first years of her husband's reign, Nefertiti changed her name under the change of her faith to neferneferaton Nefertiti, which means Aton that shines because the Beautiful has come. Nefertiti supported her husband during the religious and social reforms and then moved with him to Akhetaten or Amarna Hill. She appeared with him during ceremonies and rituals, in family scenes, and even in the traditional scenes of military campaigns in which she was depicted eliminating enemies.
Nefertiti is reminiscent of the bust of her face depicted and carved on a piece of limestone in one of the most magnificent pieces of art from the ancient era, the most famous drawing of Queen Nefertiti, was found by the German Egyptologist (Ludwig Borchardt) on December 6, 1912, at the workshop of the sculptor Thutmose at Tell el Amarna. Borchardt smuggled the complete statue (not scratched) to his home in the Zamalek neighborhood of Cairo, and from there smuggled it to Germany hidden among broken, worthless pieces of pottery, sent to Berlin for restoration. There is another statue of Nefertiti's head in the Egyptian Museum, made of red quartzite and decorated with touches of the Outrigger, which is no less finely made than the head in Berlin, but it is less famous. It is not yet known whether there is a mummy of Queen Nefertiti or not. What is certain is that scientists found mummies in the secret chamber of Akhenaten's Tomb. In the XIX century, the French archaeologist Victor Loret, when he opened one of the walls of the cellars, found a side crypt containing three mummies, one of a man and two of women, one of whom was younger than the other. At that time, these mummies aroused little interest, they were photographed in 1907, and they fell into oblivion. But recently, scientists have had some doubts that one of these mummies is Nefertiti. In 2002, the British researcher Joan Fletcher from New York University, an expert on mummies, announced that the remains of the young mummy belonged to Queen Nefertiti, and confirmed that this is an indisputable fact. Joanne added with delight that it was the most wonderful discovery of my life! She said that, after she was allowed to subject The Mummy to examinations, including X-rays. The best proof that one of these mummies is the "beautiful woman who kissed" is the high quality of mummification and anatomical similarity with descriptions of the remains of Nefertiti. At the very least, this is what Mrs. Fletcher saw in the mummy's organs in the neck and shoulders, and most importantly in the face. The bald mummy had to curl her head to wear a special wig. And it seems that Fletcher has found the wigs. But this claim later became the subject of controversy and was disputed by the Egyptian authorities. The examinations also showed traces of a leather belt imprinted on The Mummy's forehead. Traces of the presence of two earrings in the left ear were seen earlier on some portraits of the Queen. A little later, near the mummy, her broken hand was found, she was grabbed by the scepter, and this, as is known, is an attribute of the authority of the Pharaohs. That is why Joan Fletcher did not doubt that the remains of Nefertiti had finally been found. Contrary to what is the case with colleagues who doubted and believed that these remains are nothing but the mummy of a young woman from the royal family, who died during the reign of the 18th dynasty.
Dr. Zahi Hawass, the former minister of State for Egyptian Antiquities affairs, who is considered the most prominent Egyptologist and now holds the post of secretary-general of the Egyptian Supreme Council for the Protection of Antiquities, also criticized the researcher Fletcher, stressing that the mummy referred to by the researcher is for a girl aged 16-20 years, while Queen Nefertiti was older. Now Egyptologists are studying the mummy of the second lady from the Tomb of Akhenaten. Also here it is possible to talk about the presence of similarities between her and the Queen, and it seems that the final word will be for DNA analysis. Such analyzes helped to determine the personality of both Tutankhamun's grandmother and Akhenaten himself, who was already Tutankhamun's father. The question arises is the mummy known by the symbol KV35YL Queen Nefertiti Maybe. Or maybe not. Doubts about her motherhood are directed not only at her but also at Akhenaten's sister. It is known that Nefertiti was his first wife.
End of her life
One of their daughters, mikit-Aton, died, and their grief for her is depicted in some wall drawings. After the death of their daughter, Nefertiti disappeared from the Royal Court and was replaced by her daughter Meret Aton, who received the title of the great royal wife. After the twelfth year of Akhenaten's reign, Nefertiti disappeared and there is no mention of her, it is believed that she died and was buried in a cemetery with ATON's sister.it is also believed that Tutankhamun moved her mummy with his father Akhenaten when Aton's sister was abandoned.
Her grave
Egyptologists were unable to determine the location of Nefertiti's tomb during years of research after the discovery of Tutankhamun's Tomb. In 2015, Dr. Nicholas Reeves of the University of Arizona announced that the Tomb of the aforementioned Queen may have been found and that she may have been secretly buried inside Tutankhamun's tomb, as tests showed that there may be an entrance in Tutankhamun's Tomb. And that this door probably leads to the burial place of Queen Nefertiti. The digital scan showed that there were remains of two places that were used as doors, so Reeves assumed that there was a secret passage leading to other burial chambers, and he said that this is probably the reason why Tutankhamun's tomb is smaller than other tombs of the Pharaohs of Egypt.