Hathor | Mother Goddess, Sky Goddess, Cow Goddess

Hathor | Mother Goddess, Sky Goddess, Cow Goddess

Hathor is the goddess of Heaven, Love, Beauty, mother, happiness, music, fertility, named in ancient times by the name of bat and found on the Narmer plate, and was symbolized by the cow Amneh, her worship was between the city of Ashmunin near Fayum and the city of Abydos near Sohag.

Description and nomenclature,

King Menkaure of the fourth dynasty, the builder of the lesser Pyramid of Giza, is seated next to Hathor. On top of him is the disk of the sun between two horns, and next to him is his wife, the Queen. The statue is in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
An ancient Egyptian idol. The owners made her sometimes in the form of a cow, and sometimes in the form of a woman with a cow's ear or two horns on her head. They had a symbol of righteous motherhood. In the name of Hathor, any Poplar house or poplar sanctuary indicates this. It was she who took in the orphan Horus, the son of ISIS, and nursed and protected him. Thus, she became the mother of him and all nature as a symbol of heaven. Then they made her the patroness of the dead and gave her soul what sycamore trees were planted at their graves, and then they showed her from the branches a body that would send water and water the thirsty who lay in the sheds of death. And imagine that she sometimes roams the desert west of the Nile as a lioness to protect the graves there. Her name is still alive in the name of the third month of the Coptic year (hatur) and is included in the modern Egyptian calendar.

Full name,

Heut Hor
That is, "the bosom (mother) of Horus", and it was said: that is," the turquoise lady", a stone whose color is blue in the color of the sky or slightly inclined to greenery, was associated with the custom of the Egyptians with the preservation from envy, and it is one of the stones of the golden mask of Tutankhamun.

In Egyptian mythology, Hathor is a beloved goddess associated with beauty, love, music, joy, and fertility. She is often depicted as a woman with the ears of a cow, representing her nurturing and protective nature. Hathor was also considered the goddess of the sky, the sun, and the moon, and was worshipped throughout ancient Egypt.


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