Of course! Here's a list of the most important coasts and areas that tourists should visit during their trip to Egypt:
Sharm el-Sheikh:
Sharm el-Sheikh is the main tourist center in the Sinai Peninsula and one of the best diving destinations in the world. The underwater wonders of the Red Sea are what made Sharm one of Egypt's top tourist destinations, and the diving and snorkeling found here still attracts swarms of diving enthusiasts every year. This is also one of the best destinations in Egypt if you just want to relax on the beach, and is a particular favorite for family vacations because of the excellent facilities available1.
Hurghada is the oldest and most famous resort in Egypt. Abroad, it is the exotic Red Sea world full of coral and fish life that first brought Hurghada to global attention but soon the small fishing settlement was transformed into a resort town that directly serves tourism in Egypt. For Northern Europeans (who make up most of Hurghada's tourist flow), this is a major winter escape destination with white sandy beaches and blue skies