Embark on an enchanting tour through Fayoum Province, starting with visits to the Petrified Forest, the Oldest Commercial Road in Human History, Colorful Mountain, and Qasr Al-Sagha. Following lunch, we'll proceed to Qarun Lake, the largest saltwater lake in Egypt and the world's oldest natural lake. Don't forget to explore the captivating Watermelon Valley and the historic Greek and Roman city, Dima Al-Sebaa. A truly unforgettable and one-of-a-kind journey awaits!
Experience the awe-inspiring Madinet Madi Ancient City, built by Amenemhet III and completed by Amenemhet IV. The sight of Wadi El-Rayan Waterfalls will leave you feeling blissful and serene.
Immerse yourself in the rich history of Fayoum at the Kom Aushim Museum, established in 1974, housing a diverse collection of artifacts spanning from Prehistoric to Roman eras.
At the end of the day, you'll be transferred back to your hotel to unwind and overnight.