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Die 15-tägige Nilkreuzfahrt von Kairo nach Assuan findet an Bord der SS Sudan statt, einem Nilkreuzfahrtschiff mit einer Kapazität von bis zu 300 Passagieren. Die Reise beginnt in Kairo, wo Sie die Stadt erkunden können, bevor Sie Ihre Reise auf dem Nil antreten. Es gibt viele Dinge in Kairo mit Ägypten-Touren zu tun, einschließlich des Besuchs ihrer berühmten Pyramiden, die vor Tausenden von Jahren gebaut wurden! Ihr Abenteuer beginnt, wenn Sie an Bord Ihrer SS Sudan gehen. An diesem Punkt beginnen Sie Ihre Reise flussabwärts in Richtung Assuan.

Unterwegs halten Sie an mehreren antiken Stätten wie dem Luxor-Tempel und dem Karnak-Tempel, beide UNESCO-Weltkulturerbestätten, sowie an vielen anderen historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten entlang der ägyptischen Flussufer aus unseren Ägypten-Reisepaketen, bevor Sie nach Süden in Richtung Assuan fahren. In Assuan angekommen, können Sie an Bord des Schiffes eine Vielzahl von Aktivitäten genießen, darunter Schwimmen, Schnorcheln, Angeln und Besuche in lokalen Dörfern. Sie erhalten auch viele Möglichkeiten zur Entspannung sowie Besichtigungsausflüge an Land an Orten wie Abu Simbel und Philae-Tempel.

Egal, ob Sie nach entspannenden ägyptischen Nilkreuzfahrten oder einem aktiven Abenteuer suchen, diese lange SS Sudan Nilkreuzfahrt bietet alles. Genießen Sie diese 15 Tage mit Ihrer Lieblingsgruppe jetzt mit Cairo Top Tours!


  • Meet-and-Greet-Service - Ein Mitglied unseres Teams wird Sie bei der Ankunft in Kairo, in Assuan und bei der Abreise aus Kairo in Empfang nehmen.
  • Umfassende persönliche Betreuung - Sollte während Ihrer Reise einmal etwas schiefgehen, steht Ihnen unser Team von Reiseexperten zur Seite.
  • Im Reisepreis enthalten sind alle Transfers, die in modernen, klimatisierten Fahrzeugen durchgeführt werden.
  • Vollpension - Während Ihres gesamten Aufenthalts an Bord der MS AS Sudan sind Vollpension und Unterkunft inbegriffen.
  • Alle Ausflüge - Im Preis der AS Sudan-Reise sind alle geplanten Ausflüge enthalten.
  • Alle Eintrittsgelder für die verschiedenen besuchten Orte sind inbegriffen.
  • Englischsprachiger Reiseleiter
  • Auf jeder Tour werden Sie von einem qualifizierten, englischsprachigen ägyptologischen Reiseleiter begleitet.
  • Während der Ausflüge werden die Touristen ermutigt, Fragen zu stellen, da unsere Reiseleiter sehr sachkundig sind.
  • Alle Steuern und Servicegebühren. Die Kosten für Ihre Reise auf der MS AS Sudan beinhalten alle anfallenden Steuern, Servicegebühren und sonstigen Abgaben. Wenn Sie mit uns arbeiten, fallen keine unerwarteten Gebühren an.


  • Ausländische Reisekosten nach und von Ägypten
  • Einreiseerlaubnis nach Ägypten
  • Trinkgelder Fakultative Ausflüge und Exkursionen
  • Persönliche Ausgaben


One of our tour leaders will be waiting for you at the airport when you arrive in Cairo for your 15-day cruise on the Nile between Cairo and Aswan. He will drive you to the cruise ship in a modern, perfectly maintained, air-conditioned vehicle. Once there, you will board the boat and receive check-in assistance. Our tour operator will check in with you later in the evening and then leave you. Enjoy a good dinner on board and get some rest because tomorrow is going to be an exciting day!

Meals Included: Dinner


After a relaxing breakfast on the cruise ship, you will be driven to the Giza Plateau, on the outskirts of Cairo, to see the Valley Temple, the Sphinx, and the famous Giza Pyramids. Some optional extras include visiting inside one of the pyramids if you want to.

Your next destination will be the famous Egyptian Museum, where you will have plenty of time to walk around and see the countless exhibits, including all the artifacts discovered in King Tutankhamun's tomb. This specific collection is displayed in the treasure room, which is a separate area. 

The masterpieces of the New Kingdom are among the most beautiful artifacts that are displayed in the Egyptian Museum and you will be lucky to see those pieces.

When you have had enough of the museum, you will be taken back to the cruise ship. On the boat today, there will also be a cocktail, and Takht (oriental music). Sleep well once again in your cabin in Cairo on the Nile.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner


There are no excursions scheduled today for your Nile cruise from Cairo to Aswan. Instead, your cruise ship will leave Cairo in the early hours of the day, and you will spend the rest of the day traveling to Beni Suif, which takes about 12 hours.

You are invited to attend the very exciting show that will take place on the ship today. You will spend the night at sea when the boat arrives in Beni Suif in the evening.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner


As usual, have an excellent breakfast on board. After that, you will be taken to Fayoum. Upon arrival, the pyramids of Dahshur will be your first destination; then you will go to Maydom, another great pyramid. Take your camera with you as there is a lot to see at each of these places. It takes about 30 minutes to get from Beni Suif, where your cruise ship is docked, to Fayoum.

After visiting these two sites, you will be taken back to the cruise ship, where you can spend the rest of the day as you wish.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner


On the fifth day of your enchanting Nile cruise from Cairo to Luxor, you can relax in the sun, swim in the pool or have a drink while cruising to Minya. For those who are interested, there will also be a fun treasure hunt game on board the ship.

Your cruise ship will anchor in Minya for the evening, and you will once again spend the night in your ship-themed accommodation.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner


This morning, after breakfast, you will disembark the boat and be taken to the ancient necropolis of Tuna El Gebel. There is much to see here, such as the border steles, various catacombs and an old tomb that belonged to a high priest from the fourth century. You will then be taken to Ashmunein, an ancient city that is now just a set of ruins.

After returning to the boat for lunch and some rest, you will make another excursion, this time to the Beni Hassan tombs, which include the tombs of Baqet III, Khety, Amenemhet and Khnumhotep II.

You will return to the cruise ship after visiting the tombs of Beni Hassan, where you can relax for a while before dinner is served. In the evening, enjoy a fun folkloric show before spending another relaxing night in Minya on the Nile.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner


On your way to Tel El Amarna, take your time to enjoy a leisurely breakfast by the sea. Upon arrival, you will depart on an exciting excursion to several historical sites, including the Great Palace of King Akhenaten, the Lesser and Greater Aten Temples, and the tombs of Meryre, Pentu, Panehesy, and the royal tomb of Akhenaten.

You will return to the boat after this 2.5 hour excursion, and it will set sail for Assyut where it will anchor for the night in front of the magnificent monastery of Prince Tawdrous. Enjoy the breathtaking scenery and another relaxing night on the lake.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Begin day eight of your Cairo to Aswan Nile cruise with another satisfying breakfast, then rest as you cruise to Sohag. Traditional lunch and dinner times will be followed by a black and white party on board in the evening. You will sleep tonight in Sohag on the Nile.
Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner


At breakfast time today, your cruise will leave Sohag and head to Balyana. You will disembark at El Balyana, where you will be driven to see the ancient temple of Abydos. Take your time to visit this place before getting back on the boat, which will then go to Qena via the beautiful Naga Hammadi bridges.

You will spend the night in Qena on the Nile after a fantastic contest party tonight on board.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

After breakfast, you will disembark the boat and be transported to the beautiful 2,000 year old Dandarah Temple, which is 20 minutes away. Spend some time visiting this amazing place before being taken back to the cruise ship, which will then embark for Luxor.

Enjoy the afternoon as you wish. All travelers are invited to watch the belly dancing show that will also be presented. On your Nile cruise from Cairo to Aswan, the tenth night will be spent on the river in Luxor.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner


You will leave the ship after breakfast and be taken to the Valley of the Kings and the temple of Queen Hatshepsut, two very amazing archaeological sites. The monarchy and nobility of ancient Egypt were buried in tombs dug into the hillside adjacent to the Valley of the Kings, a royal necropolis. While some of the tombs at this site have only a single burial chamber, others are highly sophisticated and beautifully painted. More than 60 tombs have been discovered here, including that of King Tutankhamun.

Tutankhamun's mummy is currently on display in his tomb, but only a small number of tickets are available each day the tomb is open to tourists. In addition, tour companies are prohibited from purchasing multiple tickets for their customers. Instead, visitors must purchase a ticket in person on the day of their visit.

The huge temple of Queen Hatshepsut, which was carved out of the rock, will then be shown to you. To really appreciate the beauty of this temple, you must go and see it.

You will return to the cruise ship after seeing the temple, where you will spend the rest of the day alone.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

After finishing your breakfast, you will leave the ship and be taken to two amazing places to explore. First, you'll head to Karnak Temple, which was originally part of a larger temple complex that developed over 2,000 years.

You'll love a visit to Karnak after spending some time there, and you'll have plenty of opportunity to explore and take pictures at Luxor Temple as well.

You will return to the ship in time for another delicious lunch on board when your tour of the eastern shore is over. After lunch, the ship will leave Luxor and head for Edfu, where you will spend the night at sea. All passengers are invited to the Galabya party which will be held on board as the entertainment of the day.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner


You will disembark the boat again shortly after breakfast, and visit the temple of Edfu, which is the best preserved ancient temple in Egypt as it has been buried under the sand for about 2,000 years. You will re-board the boat after the visit to Edfu temple, and it will head to Aswan with a stop at Kom Ombo.

You will take another shore excursion to Kom Ombo, this time to see and explore the temple that was built in honor of two gods: Sobek, a crocodile god, and Horus, a falcon-headed god. Enjoy this spectacular place before joining your cruise ship, which will continue to Aswan, where you will spend the night at sea.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

You will leave the ship after breakfast and be transported to see two outstanding sites in Aswan. You will first be escorted to see the Aswan High Dam, which is almost breathtaking. The Temple of Philae, the most impressive ancient site in Aswan, will be your next stop after leaving this place. After the construction of the Aswan High Dam, this temple was moved to its current location on higher ground to protect it from the rising waters of Lake Nasser.

After spending time at Philae Temple, you will return to the cruise ship for lunch. Later in the day, you will also enjoy a visit to the Nubian Museum. The last night of your Nile cruise from Cairo to Aswan will be spent on the river at Aswan, and there will also be a very enjoyable Nubian folklore show on board the ship today.

Meals Included: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner


You will leave the hotel and disembark shortly after breakfast, and one of our leaders will accompany you to the airport in Aswan so that you can catch a flight to Cairo. Upon arrival in Cairo, your guide will be there to welcome you back. He will then accompany you to the international departure terminal where he will say goodbye and help you catch your flight home. This concludes your 15-day cruise on the Nile from Cairo to Aswan.

Meals Included: Breakfast


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Ägypten-Reisen und Naher Osten Bewertungen

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Fayoum ist bekannt für den Qarun-See, das Wadi El Rayan, die Stadt Medinet Madi und die Pyramide von Hawara. Die Region ist reich an archäologischen Stätten, Wildtieren und Landschaften, was sie zu einem beliebten Reiseziel für Natur- und Geschichtsliebhaber macht.

Eine Nilkreuzfahrt von Assuan nach Luxor ist eine Reise auf dem Nil, die den Besuch historischer Stätten und Sehenswürdigkeiten beinhaltet.


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