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Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einer extravaganten Reise nach Ägypten? Unsere 9-Nächte-10-Tage Luxusreise nach Ägypten ist genau das Richtige für Sie. Mit unseren Ägypten Reisen können Sie ein unvergessliches Erlebnis haben, um die majestätischen Landschaften und historischen Stätten des Landes zu erkunden.

Diese Tour wird ein unvergessliches Erlebnis sein, wenn wir die majestätischen antiken Ruinen, ehrfurchtgebietenden Monumente und die atemberaubende natürliche Schönheit Ägyptens erkunden. Wir besuchen einige der berühmtesten Stätten der Welt, darunter die Pyramiden von Gizeh, das Tal der Könige, die Tempel von Abu Simbel und die Große Sphinx. Unterwegs genießen wir den atemberaubenden Blick auf den Nil und erkunden die pulsierenden Städte Kairo und Luxor mit unseren Ägypten-Tagestouren.

Diese 9-Nächte-10-Tage-Ägypten-Luxusreise wird mit Sicherheit ein unvergessliches Erlebnis sein. Wir erkunden einige der berühmtesten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Welt, genießen die atemberaubende Aussicht auf den Nil mit unseren Nilkreuzfahrten und entdecken die faszinierende Geschichte Ägyptens. Also, worauf warten Sie noch? Buchen Sie noch heute Ihre Reise nach Ägypten und entdecken Sie all die herrlichen Sehenswürdigkeiten und Klänge.


  • Abholung und Betreuung an den Flughäfen durch die Reiseleiter von Cairo Top Tours.
  • Ihre Unterkunft im Kempinski Nile Hotel für 4 Nächte mit Übernachtung und Frühstück.
  • Unterkunft für 2 Nächte in Luxor in einem 5-Sterne-Hotel mit Übernachtung und Frühstück.
  • Unterkunft in Assuan für 2 Nächte mit Übernachtung und Frühstück.
  • Unterkunft in Assuan für 1 Nacht mit Übernachtung und Frühstück.
  • Alle Transfers vom und zum Flughafen, Hotel und während Ihrer Touren in einem privaten klimatisierten Nichtraucherfahrzeug.
  • Eintrittsgelder zu allen erwähnten Sehenswürdigkeiten während Ihrer Reise.
  • Interne Flugtickets von Kairo nach Luxor und zurück von Assuan nach Kairo.
  • Ein englischsprachiger Reiseleiter wird Sie während der Touren begleiten.
  • Die Mahlzeiten werden wie im Reiseplan der 10-tägigen Ägyptenreise angegeben serviert.
  • Wasser in Flaschen und alkoholfreie Getränke während der Ägypten-Tagestouren.
  • Zwischenstopps für Snacks auf Anfrage.
  • Probieren Sie einheimischen Minztee oder Kaffee in einem der berühmtesten Cafés in Kairo, wie El-Fishawy oder Layali El-Hussein.
  • Shopping-Touren in Kairo. (falls Sie interessiert sind).
  • Alle Steuern und Servicegebühren sind im Reisepreis enthalten.


  • Internationale Flugtickets.
  • Einreisevisum nach Ägypten.
  • Alle zusätzlichen Aktivitäten, die nicht im Reiseplan erwähnt sind. 
  • Getränke während der Mahlzeiten.
  • Das Trinkgeld ist nicht im Preis der 10-tägigen Reise nach Ägypten enthalten.


One of our tour leaders will meet you at the Cairo airport and take you to the Giza Pyramids.

Giza is a great place to visit for those interested in ancient history. The Giza Plateau is home to the Giza Pyramids, one of the few remaining wonders of the ancient world. The Pyramids and the surrounding area are quite beautiful, and the views from the western plateau are simply amazing. After exploring the Pyramids and the Sphinx, you can make your way down to the Mortuary complex, where you'll be able to see the impressive watchman statue.

Next, we'll visit one of Egypt's top government papyrus institutes, where you can choose from a variety of hand-painted papyrus sheets and see a demonstration of the process used to create the ancient paper known as papyrus. The pyramids are only a short distance away from here.

To explore some of Cairo's most iconic historical sites you'll be heading on over to Old Cairo, where you'll find the Hanging Church, the Ben Ezra Synagogue, the Church of St. Barbara, and the Church of Abu Serga. These landmarks are sure to fascinate and amaze you.

At an Old Cairo restaurant, you'll enjoy a delicious lunch.

Khan el-Khalili is one of the oldest bazaars in the Middle East, and it's a great place to learn about the confusing network of alleyways that has served as Cairo's commercial hub since the 14th century. After your visit, you'll be able to spend the night in your hotel, so you can fully appreciate all the sights and sounds of this historic market.

Your tour guide will pick you up from your hotel after breakfast, and they will assist you with check-out before transferring you to Luxor and driving you back to your hotel.

We'll head to The Luxor Museum once we pick you up from your hotel.

The artifacts at this museum were found at many historically significant sites in the area, including the Luxor and Karnak temples. The vast collection includes a wide variety of artifacts, including jewelry, ceramics, sculptures, and stone tablets. Some of the most interesting attractions at the museum are the statue of Thutmose III, the works of art from the Karnak temple, and Tutankhamun's personal effects.

We're going to the Mummification Museum, where you'll learn about the fascinating process of mummification, the history of the tools used in the process, and the injustices endured by those who worked on the remains. After this informative history lesson, you'll be able to experience the museum firsthand!


After breakfast, we'll meet you and take you to the West Bank of Luxor to begin your day trip. Your first stop will be the Valley of the Kings, the necropolis of Thebes, which is located on the west bank of Luxor. Visitors to Luxor must see this famous necropolis. Under Mount Thebes there are tombs that make up this area. Here, three tombs of several dynasties are open to tourists. Your Egyptologist guide can suggest the best tombs to visit. After visiting the tombs, you will find yourself in the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut. Your next stop will be the Colossi of Memnon, which are the two largest ancient statues in Egypt.

After lunch, you'll be returned to your accommodation.

WeWe will leave today after breakfast and travel to Kom Ombo and Edfu. You will see the Temple of Kom Ombo , which honors the crocodile god Sobek. After this stop, you will continue on your way to Edfu. You will be taken to the Temple of Horus to witness the god with the falcon on his head. This recently constructed pharaonic temple has been kept up nicely and is thus quite magnificent. We will take you to your hotel in Aswan in the evening so you may check in and spend the night there.

Our tour guide is here to pick you up from your hotel after breakfast to take you on a tour of the city.

The Aswan High Dam is an embankment dam that has been known as The High Dam for many years. It is a significant engineering achievement that has helped to improve the quality of life for millions of people around the world.

Following the 1952 Egyptian Revolution, the government recognized the importance of the High Dam and took steps to build it as quickly as possible.

The High Dam has had a positive impact on Egypt's economy and culture. It is crucial to Egypt's planned industrialization, and its ability to produce hydropower, store more water for agriculture, and help control floods has been a major boon.

After arriving in Aswan, take an air-conditioned minibus to Abu Simbel. The two temples of Abu Simbel are some of the most famous and impressive examples of ancient Egyptian architecture. They are a great example of the splendor and majesty of the upcoming Kingdom, and the Egyptian government and UNESCO have decided to work together to protect these sites from inundation. Ptah, Re-Her-Akhtey, Amun-Re, and Ramesses II all had temples in their honor. The enormous Abu Simbel temple is also known as the Sun Temple of Ramses II.

Ramesses II, the god Hathor, and the sun god, Ra, are all working together at the Temple of Queen Nefertari. Spend a few hours here before returning to your Aswan lodging for the evening.

After breakfast, we'll take you on a tour of one of Egypt's most exquisite temple complexes, the Philae Temple. Then, we'll take a water taxi to the ruins of Aglika, south of the former Aswan Dam. This temple complex was moved to its current location when the High Dam was built and threatened to sink it forever, and its original layout and architecture have been painstakingly preserved. Even the island's landscaping was done to replicate the complex's previous setting. As the focus of Isis' worship during the Ptolemaic Dynasty, Philae gained fame. After your tour is over, you'll be dropped off at the Aswan airport so you can catch your flight to Cairo. You'll then be transported to your hotel in Cairo, where you'll spend the night.

As the first stop on our Bahariya Oasis Tour, we will be driven from Cairo to the beautiful Bahariya Oasis. After strolling through the historic village, traveling to the Black Mountains, and stopping at the salt lake, you will continue your tour by visiting the famed Mummies Hall, The Golden Mummies, and the temple of Ain El Muftella.  After lunch, you will be returned to your Cairo hotel for the evening as part of your tour, which will be led by an English-speaking tour guide.   

After breakfast, our guide will pick you up to explore Alexandria's famous Greco-Roman ruins and learn about the history of the city. Head to the eerie Kom el Shoqafa Catacombs after visiting the Serapeum, a temple with the red granite columns of Pompey's Pillar. The immaculately restored Roman amphitheater and adjacent mosaics are not to be missed.

Next, let's head to the water where you can enjoy a variety of Mediterranean seafood.

Next, visit the 15th-century sea the Citadel of Qaitbay, which stands where the ancient lighthouse of Alexandria once stood. This impressive monument is a must-see for anyone interested in history, archaeology, and architecture.

Thanks to the underwater archaeological exhibitions at the National Museum of Alexandria. you can explore the ancient world like never before.

A street food tour of the city will introduce you to the diverse world of Egyptian cuisine, which draws inspiration from Ottoman and Arab traditions. Koshary, a spicy dish made with lentils, noodles, and sour tomato sauce, as well as kebabs, mixed grills, meze dips, and shellfish, are some of the delicious dishes you'll enjoy. The street food tour also includes ice cream and delectable treats to enjoy at the end.

Then, you will be transferred to your hotel in Alexandria where you can check-in and overnight.

After breakfast and checkout, our tour guide will drive you up to see the Great Library of Alexandria. This ancient library was the center of learning for most of antiquity, and it's still a stunning sight today. You can start the day by touring the replacement Alexandrian Library. Then, go to two of Alexandria's most famous mosques: the Nabi Daniel and the Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi mosques.

After crossing the Stanley Bridge and Montazah Palace Gardens, continue biking down the scenic corniche.

We'll spend the evening in Cairo, then drop you off at your hotel the next morning.

After breakfast, a vehicle will take you to Cairo Airport to prepare for your flight out.  

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Kairo Top Touren

Maßgeschneiderte Ägypten-Tour

Maßgeschneidert - Kairoer Spitzentouren Maßgeschneidert - Kairoer Spitzentouren

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Ägypten-Reisen und Naher Osten Bewertungen

Durch Ägypten Touren, hatten wir eine Menge von Kundenrezensionen, die Sie auf unseren Social-Media-Konten, Trip Advisor, und YouTube-Videos sehen können, wie sie Ägypten Budget-Touren mit unseren Experten, die sie in jedem Zentimeter von Ägypten zu begleiten, um den Reisenden die Geschichte jeder Attraktion besucht auf ihre Ägypten und Heiliges Land Touren zu veranschaulichen genießen.

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Die Pyramiden von Gizeh, eines der bekanntesten Wahrzeichen Ägyptens, befinden sich etwa 18 Kilometer südwestlich des Stadtzentrums von Kairo. Die Stätte befindet sich auf dem Gizeh-Plateau, am Rande der westlichen Wüste. Dieses Bauwerk, das von den Herrschern des Alten Reiches von Ägypten errichtet wurde, zieht Reisende aus aller Welt an. Es gibt Buslinien, die vom Zentrum Kairos zu den Pyramiden führen. Touristen können auch einen Mikrobus nehmen. Die Fahrt dauert normalerweise etwa 30 Minuten.


- Zwischen November und März: tagsüber angenehm warm, abends und nachts kühl. Temperaturen tagsüber: 20-25°C (77°F) in Kairo, 24-30°C (86°F) in Luxor, 22-32°C (89.6°F) in Assuan.
- Juni bis September: Starker Wechsel zu warmer Sonne, sehr wenig Schatten. Sonnenbrille, Sonnenschutzmittel, Hut und eine Flasche Wasser sind unerlässlich. Temperaturen 25-35°C (95°F) in Kairo, 30-40°C (107.6°F) in Luxor, 31-40°C (107.6°F) in Assuan.
- Im April/Mai und September/Oktober: Milde Temperaturen, ideal zum Bereisen des Landes.
- Auf dem Nil: Dezember bis Februar ist die Hochsaison für Kreuzfahrten. Im März/April und Oktober/November ist weniger los und die Temperaturen sind mild.
- Auf dem Roten Meer: Ganzjähriges Reiseziel

Die Große Pyramide von Gizeh ist eines der meistbesuchten Ziele Ägyptens und das letzte der sieben Weltwunder der Antike, das dem unausweichlichen Lauf der Zeit standhält.


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