On the last day of the adventure you will be taken to Luxor to see the east and the west banks of the city starting from the west bank of Luxor:
valley of the kings:
from ancient times the kings of Egypt used to build great tombs including their treasure so the thieves robbed their tombs so they decided to hide the tombs under the ground.
colossi of Memnon:
the great 2 statues are the only ones remaining from the temple which was built by king Amonhoteb |||.
then for the east bank of Luxor:
visit Karnak temple:
It was built by King Tuthmosis III in the west, and it is the smallest of all ten edifices, and it is considered a compass, as it is a northern granite column engraved on its top with a lotus flower, which was growing in the Lower Egypt, and the other and the south opposite it is engraved with the papyrus plant, which was growing in Upper Egypt.
Luxor temple:
The credit for the construction of the Luxor Temple goes to both King Ramses II of the Nineteenth Dynasty and King Amenhotep III of the Eighteenth Dynasty. The outer parts of the Luxor Temple belong to King Ramses II, while the inner parts belong to King Amenhotep III, and there are some names of different kings in the Luxor Temple.
at the end of your trip, you will be taken to the first spot which will be our end of service.