the Tomb Kheti
His tomb dates back to the beginning of the eleventh dynasty. The tomb consists of a forecourt leading to the entrance, and a room with two rows of three columns surmounted by lotus capitals.
Only a column remained from each row.
On the walls of this cemetery, there are many interesting scenes like the scenes of wrestling on the eastern wall, where the wrestlers appear in different movement positions and military exercises in the form of three rows in preparation for storming castles and fortresses.
Facing the entrance are 122 pairs of gladiators in five rows depicting a battle, and no two are in the same pose. Below the gladiators are scenes of defenders trapped in a fortified position, in combat with their besiegers.
The northern wall (to the left of the entrance), as is customary in the upper cemetery of Beni Hassan, depicts scenes of hunting wild animals in the desert.
Also in the rows below, barbers can be seen, as well as carpentry scenes, followed by a carving of the tomb owner and his wife along with scenes of funeral rites, scenes of spinning and weaving and playing with board games, and young women playing and performing acrobatics.
Kheti and his wife were the heads of all these former activities, and they can be seen far below this same wall. The southern wall is adorned with a number of scenes representing the stages of winemaking, listening to music, and performing various exercises.
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