The Greco-Roman Period { Queen Cleopatra }
Queen Cleopatra VII, known as Cleopatra, is the last king of the Macedonian dynasty, who ruled Egypt from the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC until the conquest of Egypt by Rome in 30 BC. Cleopatra was the daughter of Ptolemy XII.
She succeeded him as queen in the year 51 BC, sharing the throne with her brother, Ptolemy XIII.
She was described as beautiful and charming. Contrary to what is shown in the photos that have come to us. As for the men who fell in love with her, she captivated them with her strong and cute personality, intelligence, and her cunning. She was constantly in conflict with her brother, who ended up expelling her from Egypt.
The country at that time was a kingdom under Roman protection and the main source of wheat for the Roman people.
Caesar came to Egypt after the defeat of Pompeius in Varsallus in 48 BC and found the civil war still going on there.
And Cleopatra was trying to return to Egypt, so she suddenly appeared before Caesar wrapped in a carpet - as they claim - so that she could beg him to help her achieve her goal of returning to power. He captivated him, either with her charms or with the obvious reasoning that she would be a better ruler than her brother.
Caesar helped her overcome Ptolemy, who was drowned at the end of the battle. Cleopatra ruled for a few years. In the year 40 BC. M. Her kingdom was part of the imperial share that afflicted Marcus Anthony when he divided the Roman world with both Octavius and Marcus Lepidus after the death of Julius Caesar.
Marcus Anthony fell in love with Cleopatra, and this affair cost him the loss of his favor in Rome.
Antony's suicide ended after the defeat that Octavius inflicted on him in the Battle of Actium in 31 BC.
When Cleopatra heard the news, she also committed suicide.
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