Egyptian symbols
They were written on the walls of temples and obelisks and were used in magical and religious ceremonies for both the living and the dead.
Cobra symbol The cobra symbol refers to protection, guarding the gates of the underworld, by helping the royal family cross in the underworld, as it was associated with many deities, such as the sun god, kings, and their families.
The symbol of the lotus flower There were two types of the lotus flower in the Pharaonic civilization, the first type is the white lotus, which symbolized rebirth, and the second type is the blue lotus, which symbolized the unification of the two Egyptian kingdoms, in addition to that it was used in perfumes, as a pain reliever, and antispasmodic.
The symbol of the eye of Ra Myths differed about the meaning of the symbol of the eye of Ra, as it was said that it is the right eye of Horus, then his name differed in ancient times, and it symbolizes the same symbol of the eye of Horus, as it embodies many deities, such as Wadjet and Hathor.
Grandfather's Column Symbol The grandfather's column symbol is known as a long column with a broad base, and the higher the space narrows, at the top it intersects with four parallel lines.
Coffins, because they believe that it helps spirits to stand and walk in the afterlife, and this symbol is considered one of the oldest symbols, as it appeared from about 6000 to 3150 BC.
The Eye of Horus Horus is known as the god of heaven, who was embodied in the form of a falcon, or the body of a man with a falcon head. Seth, and during his confrontation with Seth, he lost his left eye, so the god Tut returned it to him, then Horus presented it to restore his father to life, so the eye of Horus also symbolizes sacrifice, according to legends.
The symbol of the key to life is known as a symbol resembling the shape of a cross and is the most famous ancient Egyptian symbol, which refers to eternal life. Life as a talisman they wore, or made mirrors. The ancient Egyptians were very creative in all aspects of their lives, including music.
It is evidenced by musical instruments such as the sistrum, which consists of a handle and a metal U-shaped frame made of bronze or copper.
The instruments range in width from 30 to 70 cm and have small movable loops that produce sound. It was an important device in Egyptian cosmology on religious occasions in worshiping and shaking Hathor to prevent the Nile from flooding.
The Minet is a very sturdy religious miniature symbol that appears as a pendant with a striking shape and counterweight. It was another name for the goddess Hathor, who was a symbol of love, joy, and celebration.
The ancient Egyptian symbol was a necklace with a protective amulet associated with Hathor and the Apis bull.
Monet depicts a sign of new life, fertility, and rebirth. The knot was popular in the new kingdom because it brought good luck and provided divine protection against all evil spirits in the present life and every life after that. It was also a conduit for transmitting Hathor's power to all of her followers
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