Burning bush st catherine's monastery in Sinai
Burning bush st Catherine's monastery
The Burning Bush is located at Saint Catherine's Monastery in the Sinai Peninsula, and close to Moses Mountain which in the monastic tradition, is identified as being the original Burning Bush. Christian hermits at Mount Serbal, believing it to be the biblical Mount Sinai.
It is said that this is the place where God said to Moses, "Come, therefore, now, and I will give you to Pharaoh to bring forth my people the Israelites out of Egypt" (Exodus 3:10).
st catherine's monastery egypt burning bush
Skeptics may be motivated by the fact that it is the only bush of its kind in the whole of the peninsula, and by the failure of all efforts to expand out there.
When Helena's chapel, behind the apse of the church of Saint Catherine, was built, the bush was moved to its current site. It remains one of the most significant attractions for Christian pilgrimages in the Sinai region.
The angel of the Lord is described as shown in a bush, and God is then described as calling out from it to Moses, who had been grazing Jethro's flocks there.
When Moses started to the path, God tell Moses to take off his sandals first, due to the place being holy ground, and Moses hides his face.