Halayeb And Shalateen Egypt
Halayeb And Shalateen Egypt
if you are going to visit Halayeb and Shalateen you have to know some information about its characteristics and its cities Halayeb and Shalateen is the most remote region in Egypt and the nearest to Sudan. this region is characterized by a unique culture and untouched wilderness. it comprises an area of 20,000 square kilometers and includes several towns. Halayeb is situated on the African side of the Red Sea, covering an area of 20,580 square kilometers. There are three large cities: Halayeb, Abou Ramad, and Shalateen. Shalateen is known for fish wealth in the southeast of the Jabal Alba and is characterized by the fertility of its lands which depend on irrigation by groundwater and rainwater.
Abu Ramad
It's the oldest town in Halayeb. The village was renowned for mining activity from the start of the year 1915, and also the origin of the name is thanks to the ash left by phosphates in this region, and from it came the name "Abu Ramad", a village that contains atomic number 25 metal that began its exploitation in 1956 by a personal Egyptian company could be a box company and continuing till 1963 Before it had been nationalized, it had been replaced by Al-Nasr Phosphate Company.
Camels Market
It is thought-about one of the foremost necessary Camels markets in Egypt and also the market receives camels returning from Sudan to Egypt, wherever the Camels takes 2 days to walk from several Sudanese places together with national capital, Kassala and port to the Shalatin space wherever the market is found.
Erekat Area
Erekat could be an appropriate place for expedition business, it's situated within the Abraq region, ten kilometers from the town of Shalatin, and their square measure four archeologic sites, further because the remains of the Roman defense within the space of Al-Ardah, southwest of Shalatin, additionally to the presence of a Pharaonic gate within the Abu Safa space, further as they contain strange shapes of rocks and stones that square measure embellished with some inscriptions.