Luxor Attractions

  Luxor Attractions

These are just a few of the many attractions and things to do, that Luxor offers. The city's rich history and archeological treasures make it a must-visit for anybody interested in ancient Egypt. Would you like to learn more about ancient Egypt's history and visit some of its most beautiful and legendary sites? You can do this during many tours in Egypt, with a Nile cruise tour from Luxor to Aswan being a great option. Additionally, if you're interested in exploring the Nile Delta, you can take a tour between the green banks during your Egypt Nile Cruise Tours. Also, you can see some of the country's most important sites from above during the Hot Air Balloon ride in Luxor, which you can include in the Luxor to Aswan Nile Cruise

Ancient Egypt's kings prospered after military expeditions extended their prestige to ancient Nubia. Luxor, the capital of Upper Egypt during the New Kingdom, was a key center of culture and religion, home to the Egyptian deity Amun-Ra. On the other side, Memphis, the capital of Lower Egypt, is still a popular tourist destination. Both cities offer unique attractions, such as exploring Karnak Temple through Luxor excursions or attending the Sound and Light Show.

 Things to do in Luxor 

Customize a really fun trip to Egypt! Egypt is a special place with special buildings to learn about, such as the Luxor temple. This archaeological site is cool and has attracted people, like history experts and artists, for a long time. It has a story about how it began, and there are still old buildings and things from that time that you can see today. These things are filled with awesome things and puzzles that we still don't know about.

 Ancient City of Thebes

If you like visiting different places and seeing amazing things from a long time ago in Egypt, going to Deir El-Medina In Luxor is like finding hidden treasures from the past! The people who used to live there had a different way of life than we do now, and it's really interesting to see and learn about how they lived.

Enjoy unique things to do in Luxor, Luxor is a city on the east bank of the Nile River in southern Egypt. It's on the site of ancient Thebes, the pharaohs' capital at the height of their power, during the 16th-11th centuries B.C. Today's city surrounds 2 huge, surviving ancient monuments: graceful Luxor Temple and Karnak Temple, a mile north. The royal tombs of the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens are on the river's west bank.

Explore the magnificent Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut, a magnificent architectural work honoring one of Egypt's most potent female pharaohs, for a genuinely enchanted experience. Additionally, visitors can experience what it was like to be an ancient Egyptian during large processions and festivals by visiting the Avenue of Sphinxes, an old ceremonial avenue that connects Luxor Temple to Karnak Temple.


Travel to Egypt is synonymous with a visit to the Valley of the Kings, where more than 63 royal tombs rest, among them the most prominent pharaohs of the New Empire - 18th, 19th and 20th Dynasties.


Luxor Temple

The Temple Complex of Luxor is located on the eastern bank of Luxor River (Thebes ancient). In 1400 BC it was founded for the worship of Amun-Ra and Mut, his wife, built the temple of Luxor. It is one of the most preserved and beautiful temples of Egypt and can be seen clearly in the Egyptian temple.


Karnak Temple | The Largest Egyptian Temple

The Karnak Temple is the largest and one of the most important temples in Egypt, and one of the largest pharaonic kingdoms in Egypt, as it provides a rich record of the Egyptian civilization from the Middle Kingdom to the Ptolemaic period, spanning about 2000 years.


The Mortuary Temple Of Hatshepsut At Deir El-Bahri

The Hatshepsut Temple at Deir El-Bahri is one of Egypt's most characteristic temples and the most distinguishing temple on earth. The Temple of Hatshepsut was commissioned by a lady who governed Egypt with a policy. At King Hatshesut's daughter, Tutmosis I, the temple was completed. It was made of calestone to honour the accomplishments of the great Queen Hatshepsut (18th Dynasty).


Colossi of Memnon

The Colossi of Memnon belongs to King Amenhotep III, who supervised its construction by the famous architect Amenhotep bin Hapu, and in the past, there was an ancient funerary temple for King Amenhotep III, of it nothing remains except the two statues, which are about 21.90 meters high, and are considered part of an agenda. Tourist attractions for foreigners who enjoy Luxor and its monuments.


Temple of Dendera

The temple of Dendera is located in the southeast of the city of Dendera, It has been dedicated to the goddess of love, happiness, and beauty "Hathor”. constructed on the Greco-Roman architectural style. The temple was formerly known as the House of Hathor and is considered one of the largest religious temples.


Temple of Madinet Habu

The temple of Medinet Habu in Luxor is a funerary temple that was built for the purpose of worshipping the pharaoh Ramses III and his predecessor Ramses II, as well as other divinities of this civilization. It was ordered to be built by King Ramses III himself, one of the most influential and important pharaohs of the XX dynasty.


Luxor museum

The Luxor Museum is, compared to other museums in Egypt, quite small; however, it is very representative of the art and history of ancient Thebes. Among the pieces housed in this museum are mummies, jewelry and sculptures as well as military objects from Ancient Egypt. One of the most precious objects of the collection is the reconstruction of a wall of the temple of Kernak from the time of Ahkenaton where you can appreciate his own artistic style.


Luxor International Airport

You will use the Luxor International Airport facilities on arrival or departure during your Egypt Travel Packages or Egypt Day Tours services at Cairo Top Tours, or even while on a Nile Tour in Egypt.


Banana Island in Luxor | Gezira El-Mozh Luxor

Luxor is a mixture of ancient Pharaonic civilization and enchanting nature, which plays an important role in attracting tourists. One of the most important natural features is an "island", most of which is inhabited by banana trees and caged animals, it is difficult to visit Luxor without devoting part of your time, as the "banana island" is a tourist destination.


Deir El-Medina in Luxor

Deir al-Madina on the western mainland in Luxor occupies great importance, as there are tombs of workers, which clearly express the social status of the people who were buried in those cemeteries, and are the workers who supervised the excavation and engraving of the tombs of kings and queens. The area was called "Deir al-Madina" because of the existence of a monastery dating back to the Christian era.


The Ramesseum in Luxor

The Ramesseum Temple is one of the funerary temples that were built for the dead in ancient Egypt . built by King Ramses II, the greatest king for whom temples were built. The temple includes huge statues of King Ramses II, and an important aspect of the inscriptions that tell the nature of life in that period, and the images and inscriptions that decorate the wall of the temple record the events of the famous Battle of Kadesh, in which King Ramses II won over the Hittites and how he planned the war.


Valley of the Queens

The Queen's valley, near the Kings' valley on the west bank of Luxor, was buried by the pharaoh's wives and princes, of the different aristocrats.


Valley of the Nobles

A place where nobles live in the Valley of the Nobles. This is the best cemetery after the Kings Valley and Queens Valley, where the nobles follow the kings and priests.


Tutankhamun's Tomb

Tutankhamun was a king of the 18th dynasty who ruled Egypt for approximately ten years until his death about 1250 BC. His fame stems from the discovery of his tomb in the "Valley of the Kings" in 1922, a cemetery that housed incomparable artistic masterpieces and archaeological artifacts, demonstrating Egyptian art's development.


Abu El-Haggag mosque, Luxor

The "Abu-El-Haggag Mosque" in Luxor is a rare mixture of Islamic and Coptic civilization, where you can pray over the ruins of an ancient church and an ancient Pharaonic temple, with its walls surrounding you from every direction.


Facts about Ramesseum

Pharaoh Ramses II, son of the Sun goddess, built the Ramesseum Temple and it was named after him by Champollion. In Luxor and Nubia, one of them is the temple of Ramesseum, or a palace that is millions of years old, as the ancient Egyptians call it. During his time, he built several temples.


Winter Palace Hotel in Luxor

The Winter Palace Hotel is situated on the banks of the Nile River in Luxor, Egypt. It is also known as Sofitel Winter Palace Luxor.


Deir el-Bahari cache

It is known as The Royal cache and is located next to Deir el Bahary in Theban Necropolis, opposite the ancient city of Luxor. It was later used as a hiding place for royal mummies during the XXI Dynasty.


Tomb of Tutankhamun

The Tomb of the Eighteenth Dynasty is world-famous because of its relatively untouched royal tomb from the Valley of the Kings.


Secrets of Nefertari tomb

Nefertari Tomb, the date on which the most precious ancient Egyptian tombs were founded in the Queens' Luxor Valley, Ancient Egypt. Secrets you have not known before concerning the grave of King Nefertari, Ramses II's wife, and the precious information it contains concerning the Pharaoh civilization.


The Reviving of the Grand Avenue of Sphinxes (Rams Road)

As Egypt grabbed the attention of the whole world to Cairo during the royal Mummies parade when they were transferred from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square to their final destination to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization. Egypt will grab the attention of the whole world again, but this time will be in Luxor, especially in the east bank of Luxor city. Luxor city is preparing for a celebration for reviving of the grand avenue of sphinxes at the end of June after its development and restoration.


Tomb of Ramosa in Luxor | Tombs of The Nobles Luxor

the tomb of this person “Ramosa” dates back to the era of “Akhenaten”, and it is one of the largest and most important cemeteries of the cemetery. Also, the tomb of Ramosa is distinguished by the fact that it combined two completely different periods of two kings who differed in style and belief.


Valley of The Baboons | The Western Valley Luxor

The Western Valley is nowhere near as much visited by tourists as the Valley of the Kings. The Valley is well worth a visit by the determined traveler its quiet and isolation help to evoke the silent and haunting atmosphere at one time characteristic of the main King's Valley that was believed by the ancient Egyptians Goddess protector Meretseger, whose name means "she who loves silence.


El Kab Luxor Egypt | El Kab Thebes Luxor

El Kab was known as Nekheb within the Egyptian language, a reputation that refers to Nekhbet, the divinity delineate as a white vulture. that was placed within the third Nome of the administrative district. the town is on the proper bank of the river, opposite the virtually as recent city of Nekhen (or Hierakonpolis, gift Kom el Ahmar). it's placed ninety kilometers. to the south of Thebes and thirty-two kilometers. to the south of Esna.


Sofitel Winter Palace

There is a unique architectural masterpiece that will capture your eye when you see it, located in Luxor Governorate on the Nile River and a few meters from Luxor Temple to the south, which is the Winter Palace or what is now called the "Sofitel Winter Palace Hotel ".


Valley of the kings

If you are fond of tales of ancient Egyptian history, you should visit the tombs of the "Valley of the Kings" in Luxor in Upper Egypt, the funerary city of kings hundreds of years ago. The kings of the eighteenth, nineteenth and twenty dynasties of the New Kingdom were buried in these tombs on the western bank of the ancient city of Thebes.


Temple of Thutmose III

The Temple of Thutmose III is located in Deir el-Bahari , The site is separated from the Valley of the Kings by Jebel Qurna


Merneptah Mortuary Temple

King Merneptah, son of King Ramses II from his wife Isis Nofert and the fourth king of the nineteenth dynasty, a royal icon in the history of Egypt, ruled Egypt for about 10 years and followed from the period 1213 until 1203 BC.


The Deir Al -Shilouet Temple

It is a rare tourist place that is known about it due to the scarcity of tourism in it, but it is one of the places with wonderful inscriptions


Temple of Mut | Precinct of Mut

The god Mut is one of the most important religious beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, as she is the wife of the god Amun Ra and was called the mother god and the lady of the sky as one of the sky gods of the pharaohs. The god Mont was symbolized by an eagle, and sometimes a lioness, and the crown of Oraus. Mut is considered part of the trinity of the city of Thebes with the god Amun-Ra and the god Khonsu. The goddess was the death of the god Khonsu, the moon god of the ancient Egyptians.


Temple of Amun-Re | Precinct of Amun-Re

The Karnak site that we will visit covers an area of ​​approximately seven acres. This site is without a doubt one of the largest archaeological groups in the world It includes a group of temples and shrines that were built for many Egyptian deities.


Temple of Khnum | Temple of Esna

The Esna city was called in the Roman and Greek eras by the name of Latopolis, and the region is located on the western side of the Nile River, and there were temples dedicated to the worship of the gods Khonsu, Khnum, Neith, and Men hit. The Esna area is considered one of the most important areas in the era of the Pharaohs, as it was used for trade with Sudan through the Karkur Oasis.


Aten Luxor | Lost golden city of Luxor

This city is the largest administrative and industrial settlement in the era of the Egyptian Empire on the West Bank of Luxor, where houses were found in the city, the height of some of its walls reaching about 3 meters, and it is divided into streets, according to Hawass.


Temple of Deir Shelwit

The word Shalweet is one of the Coptic words and means punishment, as the temple was built in the Roman era and then restored in the Greek era. The monastery of Shelwit is named after the small temple of Isis.


The Great Hypostyle Hall

The great hypostyle hall is located in the Karnak temple complex at the heart of Karnak exactly, the Nineteenth Dynasty pharaoh City, a colossal forest of 134 giant sandstone columns supporting a high clerestory roof and enclosed by massive walls that after 3300 years remain substantially intact today,


Howard Carter's House | The Discoverer of Tutankhamun's Tomb

The city of Luxor has been famous throughout the ages, starting from the ancient state by taking it as the capital of Egypt, and there are many tourist activities that attract tourists to visit the city, including hot air ballooning, tours accompanied by a tourist guide, boarding Nile ships, in addition to many sports tournaments on its lands .


Temple of Mentuhotep II

Mentohotep II is one of the kings of the eleventh dynasty. He chose to hug a mountain from the western Taiba mountains to build a temple in it. We have nothing left of this temple except its view, which is now located on the south side of the temple of Queen Hatshepsut in the area of Deir El Bahari


Red Chapel of Hatshepsut

It was built with two materials: red quartzite for the elevations and black granite for the base, the doors, and the cornice producing an effect of contrasting materials and colors. The blocks were placed lengthwise and crosswise, which probably shows that the decorations were carried out before their construction.


White Chapel Karnak

We can find a huge collection of archaeological pieces scattered along the esplanade that forms a part of the museum, these pieces are a reflection of the architectural history of the temple of Amon. These objects found in Karnak, belong mostly to those found in the second and third pylon, and some of them have been reconstructed again for example the white chapel of Sesostris I or the red chapel of Hatshepsut.


Mummification Museum

The Mummification Museum is a unique and captivating destination that offers visitors an extraordinary glimpse into the ancient Egyptian art of mummification. It houses a vast collection of well-preserved mummies, artifacts, and interactive exhibits.

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Luxor is one of the most important ancient cities in the world, as it has nearly two-thirds of the world's monuments. It is an open museum under the sky. You can also enjoy the stunning views of the eastern and western banks of the Nile in the palace while visiting the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens, Luxor Museum, the Hatshepsut Museum, which is known as Deir el-Bahari and the Colossi of Memnon.

Luxor is one of the most famous archaeological cities in Egypt and worldwide because it contains a third of the world’s antiquities. Luxor includes a group of the most distinguished temples in Egypt, such as the Karnak Temple and the Luxor Temple.

Yes, it is possible to arrange Nile cruise tours from Luxor to Aswan, this option will let you explore the most important sites in these two cities. as it is known that Luxor and Aswan are two valuable cities of history and archaeology sites in the whole world.

Luxor includes many tourist attractions that are classified as among the most famous archaeological sites not only in Egypt but also around the world, such as Luxor Temple, Kombo and Edfu Temple, Kalabsha Temple, and many other dazzling temples. Therefore, Luxor is one of the most important archaeological cities to which tourists flock from all over the world.

Luxor was one of the most important cities in the history of Egypt, and the ancient Pharaohs gave it special attention, as they built many temples that commemorate them on both banks of the Nile, such as the Luxor Temple, the statues of Memnon, the Valley of the Kings, the Valley of the Queens, and the Deir el-Bahr Temple, which was built by Hatshepsut, the most famous queen in history.

To make sure you have enough time to see everything and not feel hurried, it's best to spend at least two days exploring Luxor and its amazing things. But before you go on a special tour of Luxor, it's a good idea to spend about an hour in the Luxor Museum to learn more about the history of Egypt.

Luxor is the most well-known and recognized city in Upper (Southern) Egypt, as well as the headquarters of the Luxor Governorate, and is famed for its oldest and most Ancient Egyptian sites. Luxor, once known as 'Thebes' in ancient Egypt, is also renowned as the 'World's Greatest Open-Air Museum'.

Tourist attractions in Luxor include its archaeological temples such as Karnak Temple and Luxor Temple, the Valley of the Kings, and the island of Luxor.

As Thebes, it was the capital of the ancient kingdom; today Luxor is known as the world's greatest open-air musuem, home to some of Egypt's most famous temples, tombs and monuments.

Tutankhamun was not a particularly important king, but his tomb is the only intact royal tomb discovered in modern times. This tomb is important because it allows archaeologists to document what the tombs of Egyptian kings looked like and learn more about ancient Egypt.

Luxor is a very famous city in the southern part of Egypt. It is the capital of Luxor Governorate and is known for its really old and important ancient Egyptian sites. In the past, it was called 'Thebes'. People also call it the 'World's greatest open-air Museum'.

Yes, generally, Egypt provides good healthcare services for tourists. There are many hospitals and specialized clinics in tourist areas. It's always essential to have health insurance to cover any emergencies and to check health requirements before traveling.

The Temple of Hatshepsut is an impressive mortuary temple dedicated to the female pharaoh Hatshepsut. It is renowned for its unique architectural design, with terraces and colonnades built into the cliffs of Deir el-Bahari. The temple offers stunning views of the surrounding desert landscape and the nearby Valley of the Kings.

To visit the Valley of the Kings, you can hire a taxi, join a guided tour, or take a local bus from Luxor. The valley is located on the west bank of the Nile, and it is home to the tombs of many pharaohs, including Tutankhamun. Remember that photography is not allowed inside the tombs, and some tombs may have additional entry fees.

Absolutely! Luxor is steeped in ancient history and is home to some of Egypt's most remarkable archaeological sites. Here are some must-visit historical sites in Luxor:

  •     Karnak Temple Complex.
  •     Luxor Temple.
  •     Valley of the Kings.
  •     Valley of the Queens.
  •     Hatshepsut Temple (Deir el-Bahari).
  •     Medinet Habu.
  •     Colossi of Memnon.
  •     Luxor Museum.
  •     Ramesseum.
  •     Tombs of the Nobles.

Wintertime in Luxor, from October to April, is the ideal time to visit. The weather is pleasant and moderate, however it can get chilly in the evenings. If you want to travel around December through January, be prepared for huge crowds as these are the busiest travel months. March through May are the ideal months to visit the beaches without having to deal with the heavy summertime tourist traffic. This time of year is warm with moderate crowds at tourist attractions.

No, visiting the Valley of the Kings requires purchasing an entrance ticket and being accompanied by an authorized guide. The guides at the site provide valuable information about the tombs and help preserve the historical integrity of the area.

Luxor, which was formerly known as Thebes, is now regarded as the world's largest open-air museum and is the location of some of Egypt's most well-known temples, tombs, and monuments.


The majority of the people of Luxor follow the Islamic faith and are predominantly Muslims.

Luxor is renowned for its abundant history and historical sites pertaining to ancient Egypt. The Luxor Temple, the Karnak Temple Complex, the Valley of the Kings, the Valley of the Queens, the Hatshepsut Temple, and the Colossi of Memnon are a few of the must-see sights.

Indeed, taking a hot air balloon flight is a very common pastime in Luxor. They provide a distinctive viewpoint of the city and its well-known sites, like the Nile River and the Valley of the Kings. To see the dawn, balloon rides are usually taken early in the morning.

The mosque was made to remember a very wise and good man named Sheikh Yusuf Abu'l-Hajjaj. He was a teacher who moved from a place called Baghdad to Luxor when he was young. He was really smart and good, so people liked him a lot. He probably lived in the same place where the temple is now and taught people about religion there.

Because the remains of the Egyptian temple complexes at Karnak and Luxor are located inside the contemporary city, Luxor has often been referred to be the "world's greatest open-air museum". 


The best outdoor museum in the world is located in Luxor, Egypt. Scattered throughout the east and west banks of the Nile River are ancient temples and tombs. Among the top attractions in Luxor are the Valley of the Kings, the Temples of Hatshepsut and Karnak, and the Temple of Luxor. 


Because the remains of the Egyptian temple complexes at Karnak and Luxor are located inside the contemporary city, Luxor has often been referred to be the "world's greatest open-air museum". 


Karnak Temple and Luxor are the most important tourist destinations to visit in Luxor, as well as the Temple of Hatshepsut and the New Valley.

 For good reason, it's frequently called the most impressive outdoor museum in the world. There are a ton of tombs, monuments, temples, and ruins tremendous be found there. You'll need at least two days to fully see Luxor and its wonders, to prevent feeling rushed.


 For lone female travelers, Luxor is usually regarded as safe. But because of cultural sensitivities and men's sometimes overly zealous attentiveness, ladies might want to avoid going alone at night. To keep yourself safe when traveling, you need to be vigilant and confident.



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