King Teti | 6th Dynasty Kings
King Teti | 6th Dynasty Kings
He married the heiress of Unas to secure his right to the throne. During most of his reign, he had the help of Kagemni (his son-in-law) and Mereruka as viziers and made a trip to the distant country of Punt where the most valued products in trade came from. He was killed and buried in his pyramid, which was decorated with the pyramid text.
In order to have the legitimacy to rule, he married Queen “I Put” the daughter of King Unas, the last ruler of the fifth dynasty, then he married Queen “Khuit”, the daughter of King Asisi, who ruled before King Unas.
Teti built his pyramid in Saqqara necropolis beside the pyramid of King Unas, and he decorated it with a lot of inscriptions, but this pyramid now is ruined. We could not find the Valley Temple of the Pyramid until now.
Commercial affairs with foreign countries flourished as we found his name inscribed in Tomas rocks in Nubia. And also he sent mining campaigns to Punt. During his reign, there were increases in the influence of the governors of the provinces, as they were tending toward independence from the central government.
We have known from Manetho that King Teti was assassinated by his guard after his rule lasted for about 30 years. King Teti ruled for about 30 years. Teti led a religious campaign aimed at raising the position of the god “Ptah” against the control of the priest of the god Re at Heliopolis.
King Teti gave the order to import wood from Syria and to carry out extractions in the southern mines. His personal guard killed him, according to Manetho, and he was interred in Saqqara's royal necropolis. Or maybe Userkara, the potential usurper, was hatching a conspiracy?
The most significant aspect of his reign was his initiative to build public structures in Rome (Titus finished the Flavian amphitheater, better known as the Colosseum).