The Twelfth Dynasty of the History of Ancient Egypt
The Twelfth Dynasty of the History of Ancient Egypt
Minister Amenemhat, who headed the mission to the Hammamet Valley, is the founder of this new family, the Twelfth Dynasty. There are even those who are supposed to have used the ten thousand soldiers who were with them to pounce on power.
As usual the founders of the new families, Amenemhat wanted to wear the wisdom of a religious garment.
Until people persuade that it is not usurped by the rule, but rather it was inspired by the gods and according to holy prophecy.
The summary of this prophecy is that King Snefru was looking for amusement.
He suggested to him men of shortness bring the chanting priest to the goddess Bastet and called Nefertiti, When the king asked about the future, he said that chaos would invade the land of Egypt.
Until a king from the south comes to be called "Amini", the son of a woman from Nubia, who is born in Upper Egypt.
The Asians and Libyans will be defeated and returned to the country of Tamanine and Amin was only a shortcut to Amenemhat.
The beginning of the reign of many claimants to the throne led to his entry into many internal battles with these to establish the pillars of wisdom.
On the east side, he built several fortifications called the Prince's Wall.
Its main objective was to stand in the face of the Bedouins, and these fortifications consisted of several gates along the border, on which the guards stood.
The rule of Amenemhat the first was 30 years, during which he laid down the strategy that this family followed.
In general, this family helped expand the pharaonic civilization by investing in the area of (Fayoum) which was previously filled with bushes and swamps, but more than that, by formulating an effective foreign policy based on knowing the neighboring countries well.
The "curses texts" also testify to this, as he carefully codified all the foreign countries' names and rulers on some pots and small statues, which were considered a pillar of some magic rituals of the curse of the enemies. More realistically, the Nile Valley was incorporated into Lower Nubia, Egypt, thanks to a huge group of castles.
In Asia, the traditional relations with the city of Byblos were strengthened to the point that they helped form families among the rulers who were still the most powerful. In general, commercial activity has been strengthened with Syria and Palestine, and through them with the Aegean peoples. Meanwhile, many Asians migrated to Egypt. There is no doubt that the story "Sinohe Sinohe: reflects exactly that, as it revolves around the major Asian world that opened to Egypt.