Ancient Egypt History

The Eighth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt History

The Eighth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt History

Eighth Dynasty (2280-2240 BC)
Although the names of their kings are mentioned in the lists of the Pharaohs, their history is completely invisible, except for some minor facts about some of them that we will mention later.

In the “Arabization” list, we find the names of 17 pharaohs who ruled a time during the era of this family, and in the Turin list, we find only eight pharaohs mentioned As the historian "Maniton", mentioned to us that the number of her kings is eighteen without mentioning their names, whereas the list of Saqqara did not mention the Pharaoh after "Babby II" to the first of the eleventh family; that is, she neglected the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth dynasties.

What was mentioned in the lists, and the effects did not mention to us what cures yield. Indeed, in Saqqara some pyramids must have been erected after the reign of “my second child”, but we did not verify the name of a king from them, but if we judge according to the names mentioned by us in the list of “godmother”

During the era of the Eighth Dynasty, we found that the pharaohs of this family remained conservative in calling themselves by the names of their predecessors in most cases.

For example, we find among the kings of the eighth family, five pharaohs called the name “Neferkara” one called “Djedkara” and another called himself “ Nefer Er Kara »Thus, it appears that it was due to the movement made by the governors of the provinces to preserve their independence in their provinces since the sixth dynasty, that the governor of Qaft Ans province of himself had the strength and annexed his province the seven upper provinces of Upper Egypt, and from which he established an independent kingdom under His authority over the Memphis family, and unfortunately, "Manetho" did not mention us Absolutely nothing about this Qafta family, and they likely stayed for forty years, and the ruins have preserved the names of some of their pharaohs for us.

Those who were elected from a private family with wide authority, and were in fact the real controllers of the affairs of this kingdom. Several decrees of the pharaoh, "Nefer Cao Hour", one of the kings of this family were found in Qaft itself, including a decree to stop the Pharaoh statue.

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The Eighth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt is a poorly documented period, and there is ongoing debate among historians regarding its rulers and historical significance. It is believed to have been a time of political fragmentation and regional rulers rather than centralized authority. Further archaeological discoveries and research may provide more insight into this enigmatic dynasty.


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