Mafdet goddess of judgment
What is the Mafdet goddess famous for?
The goddess Mafdet was depicted in the form of a complete human body, except that her clothing, which she wore, was more like the skin of a cat, which was her sacred animal. Let's go on a unique Egypt tours to explore a variety of Egyptian symbols in the pharaonic era.
The idol "Matt" was depicted in the form of a leopard or a wild cat that you will discover during Egypt day tours. Westendorf believes that her name means: (the maid, or: the runner). It has appeared in the texts as it eliminates the enemies of the sun god. I encourage you to book our Luxor day tours to discover secrets about the Mafdet goddess in ancient Egypt. You will find many entertainment places you can visit such as the Karnak temple, Valley of the Kings Luxor temple, and more.
Moafedt was associated with the goddess Seshat (the goddess of writing), and it is said that she is her twin. She was also associated with the goddess "Nebt-Hat" (Neftis), as both of them were depicted in the form of a cat as a protector of the sun god.
And the goddess "Mafdet" bore the title: (Lady of the House of Life), which she took from "Neftis", the protector of the royal palace. If you are an imaginary person and interested in discovering historical places during your Egypt travel packages, I recommend heading to Aswan day tours. There are many things available for fun, such as the Philae temple, the Nubian village, and more.
Exploring the power of Mafedt during Egypt classic tours was associated with sexual power in the afterlife; It was also considered a punishing force, as it was associated with a machine used in executions, and this is consistent with the nature of this rebellious and vengeful goddess. Matt has magical power against snakes, as they are the ones that devour them. And she showed hostility to the idol "Sit", and one of the texts mentions that: (Oh "Mafdet", tear the mouth of every enemy).