God Horus | The Falcon-Headed God of the Sky
God Horus
God Horus of the sky and protector of kingship, according to the ancient Egyptian religion, mostly depicted in the form of a falcon, the son of Isis and Osiris was conceived after the rebirth of the father whom he avenged and succeeded; he is the god to whom every ruling pharaoh identified himself.
Horus is the god of the sun. He was the symbol of good and faith. His father was Osiris, who was the god as well for the ancient Egyptians even after his death, as mentioned in the Book of the Dead.
Gods of Ancient Egypt
According to the religious myth of Isis and Osiris, his uncle Seth killed his father and tore his body parts away from the shores of the Nile Valley. His mother Isis gathered the missing pieces of his father together, and they got back to each other again, and they brought Horus. Horus wanted revenge for his father's betrayal; that's why he is sometimes called "the guardian of his father. During the battle between him and his uncle, he lost his left eye, but he won the war, and he got back Egypt's rule. Horus was a great model for all Egyptian kings. As he got his father's throne and killed his evil uncle. He also ruled Egypt wisely and fairly.
Since all ruling pharaohs identified with Horus, Isis was consequently his divine mother. Worshiped as a patroness of women, and goddess of love, and purity, her cult experienced widespread popularity in the Roman Empire. Once you are in Egypt, Egypt Tours will take care of it through our highly qualified guides specialized in Egyptology to make your visit to the land of the Pharaohs a success.
Horus: Horus, Falcon-Headed God of Sky and Kingship Horus is quite simply one of the most respected and supreme gods among the thousands in the pantheon of ancient Egyptian deities. He is known for his noticeably falcon head and piercing gaze. The God of Sky, War, and Kingship, Horus, defines being triumphant, just, and legit divine rule. Such storied and revered qualities make Horus one of the mythological Egyptians. Who was Horus?Horus, Heru in ancient Egyptian culture, was the son of Osiris, Lord of the Underworld, and Isis, a goddess of magic and motherhood. He is called to take justice for the murder of his father and to repress the claim of the chaos god Set over the throne of Egypt.
He was portrayed generally, either as a man with the head of a falcon or else as a whole falcon. He took his representation in divine kingship and protection: his right eye stood for the sun, and his left eye stood for the moon, just to signify that he watches over the world. The Myth of Horus and SetOne of the most celebrated tales told in Egyptian mythology concerns the mythic battle between Horus and Set. After Set killed Osiris and assumed the throne, he raised Horus under the protection of Isis until he had been trained to challenge his uncle.
Their battle was long and fierce, taking diverse forms—from hand-to-hand to shape-shifting duels. During one of those fights, Set tore out the left eye of Horus. It was later restored by the magic of Thoth, the god of wisdom; henceforth, this event produced the famous symbol, the Eye of Horus, which became the most well-known powerful protection, healing, and wealth symbol. After all, the gods named Horus as a rightful ruler of Egypt, thus cementing his status as the divine king and protector of pharaohs.
Horus and the PharaohsIn ancient Egyptian times, every reigning pharaoh was thought to be a living image of Horus on earth. Such belief made up the concept in which the king ruled with divinity and authority over the subjects.