Suez Gulf, Egypt
Gulf of Egyptian See
The Suez Canal is an extremely important spot in the Middle East, as it's surrounded by The Gulf at the northern end of the Red Sea, the Sinai Peninsula to the West, and the Aqaba Gulf to the east of the Sinai Peninsula. The gulf was formed within a relatively young but now inactive Gulf of Suez rift basin, which dates back to around 26 million years.
It stretches some 300 Km north by northwest, terminating at the Egyptian city of Suez and the entrance to the Suez Canal. Along the mid-line of the gulf is the boundary between Africa and Asia The entrance of the gulf lies atop the mature Gemsa oil and gas field. The gulf is considered one of the world's important maritime zones due to being an entrance to the Suez Canal.
the story of Suez Gulf During the Late Cretaceous to Eocene, the area was now taken by the rift was a shallow sea added carbonates. In the Middle Miocene, the break-up of the Red Sea rift with seafloor spreading began in the Late Miocene. Post-rift Since the end of the Miocene, the area of the Gulf of Suez rift has started to try post-rift thermal drop accompanied by flooding of the topographically lowest parts of the rift.
The International Hydrographic Organization defines the southern limit of the gulf as "A line running from Ras Muhammed to the South point of Shadwan Island and thence Westward on a parallel to the coast of Africa"
The Gulf of Suez