Suez Governorate

El Suez Governorate | Suez Canal Egypt

Suez Governorate is one of the governorates of the Arab Republic of Egypt, which is located within the territory of the Suez Canal, which also includes the governorates of Port Said and Ismailia, and the Suez Governorate has been divided administratively into five regions, namely: Suez, Forty, Ataqa, Faisal,

and Al-Janayen, and these areas are approximately 728,180 people. According to the statistics of 2018, the emblem of the Suez Governorate is represented by the presence of a shape in the form of a wheel or a toothed gear about the strength of the industrial sector in the governorate.

and in the middle of the wheel is a red flame, an indication that the Suez Governorate is a major headquarters for the petroleum industries and several companies in petroleum in the Egyptian Republic.

Suez Governorate is characterized by its vital tourism sector, as it is visited by approximately 256,972 visitors every year due to the presence of a group of stunning landscapes, such as Mount Ataka located in the west, Fanar Abu Al Daraj in the south, the Gulf of Suez, the Suez Canal in the east, lakes, and parks in the north.

The following are the most prominent tourist attractions in Suez:

Ain Sokhna:
Ain Sokhna resort is located on the Red Sea coast on the Swiss Bay, about an hour's drive from the city of Cairo, it has sulfur hot springs coming from the desert mountain of Ataka, and it represents an important international tourist destination and destination.

Moses fountains:
Moses fountains are about 25.74 km from the south of the Ahmed Hamdi tunnel, which has 12 springs, 7 of which are still operating to this day. This oasis represented the largest oasis in the Sinai during the nineteenth century AD, and some communities appeared in the area around these springs.

The northernmost part of the Red Sea is divided into two Gulfs in the Sinai Peninsula: the Gulf of Aqaba in the east and the Gulf of Suez in the western corner. From the strait of mountains to the Egyptian city of Suez, with a distance of 314 km (195 miles), the width of the Gulf ranges between 19-32 km, and the Suez Canal operates as an important shipping route between the Gulf of Suez and the Mediterranean.

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The Suez Canal is of immense significance to Egypt for various economic, geopolitical, and historical reasons. Here are some key aspects of its significance:

Strategic Location: The Suez Canal is strategically located in Egypt, connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea. This artificial waterway provides the shortest maritime route between Europe and the lands lying around the Indian and western Pacific oceans.

Trade and Commerce: The Suez Canal is one of the world's busiest and most important waterways for global trade. It allows ships to bypass the lengthy and dangerous trip around the southern tip of Africa, significantly reducing travel time and costs. Approximately 12% of global trade passes through the canal, making it a vital link in the world's trade network.

Economic Revenue: The canal generates substantial revenue for Egypt through tolls and fees levied on ships transiting the canal. This income contributes significantly to Egypt's economy, helping fund infrastructure development and various projects.

Job Creation: The operation and maintenance of the Suez Canal provide employment opportunities for thousands of Egyptians, directly and indirectly, in various industries such as shipping, logistics, and tourism.

Geopolitical Influence: Egypt's control of the Suez Canal has a substantial impact on its geopolitical position and influence in the region. The canal's presence gives Egypt a strategic advantage and enhances its role as a regional player.

National Pride: The Suez Canal is a symbol of national pride for Egyptians. Its construction in the 19th century and its expansion and modernization efforts over the years have been seen as monumental achievements for the country.

Historical Significance: The idea of a waterway connecting the Mediterranean and Red Seas dates back to ancient Egypt. Modern construction of the canal began in the mid-19th century under French engineer Ferdinand de Lesseps. Its completion in 1869 had a profound impact on global trade and transportation.

Global Shipping Routes: The Suez Canal's significance extends beyond Egypt; it affects global shipping routes and the cost of goods worldwide. Any disruptions or closures, such as during conflicts or blockages, can have significant consequences for global trade and energy markets.

Energy Transit: The canal plays a crucial role in the transit of oil and liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the Middle East to markets in Europe and beyond. It is a key route for the transportation of energy resources, making it vital for the global energy industry.


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